ComponentOne Basic Library for UWP
Basic Library Overview / Radial Menu for UWP / Radial Menu for UWP Task-Based Help / Creating Radial Menus / Creating a Top-Level Menu
In This Topic
    Creating a Top-Level Menu
    In This Topic

    In this topic, you will learn how to create a top-level radial menu for the C1RadialMenu control.

    Complete the following steps:

    1. Place the following XAML between the <Grid> and </Grid> tags:
    Copy Code
         <Xaml:C1RadialMenu >                             
    1. Place the following XAML between the <Xaml:C1RadialMenu> and </Xaml:C1RadialMenu> tags:
    Copy Code
    <Xaml:C1RadialMenuItem Header="RadialMenuItem1" />
    <Xaml:C1RadialMenuItem Header="RadialMenuItem2" />
    <Xaml:C1RadialMenuItem Header="RadialMenuItem3" />
    1. Run the program and observe the following:


    This topic illustrates the following:


    See Also