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Manage Conditional Formatting Rules

SpreadJS Designer Component enables you to apply conditional formatting to a specific area, using conditional formatting options such as Current selection or This worksheet, to focus on relevant data. This can help you highlight outliers and make your worksheet more informative and visually appealing.

  • Current Selection: This option allows you to view and manage the conditional formatting rules applied to the currently selected cells or range in the worksheet. It helps you focus on specific areas of the worksheet and quickly adjust the formatting rules as needed.

  • This Worksheet: This option allows you to view and manage all the conditional formatting rules applied to the entire worksheet. It provides an overview of all conditional formatting rules in use, regardless of the current selection.

Steps to Manage Conditional Formatting Rules

You can manage the conditional formatting rules in the SpreadJS Designer Component using the following steps:

  1. Select the Manage Rules.. option from HOME > Styles > Conditional Format group.


  2. The Conditional Formatting Rules Manager dialog is displayed.

    You can select the desired option from the Show formatting rules for dropdown.


    Depending on the current selection, a list of conditional formatting rules appears, including the Rule type, Format, the range of cells the rule Applies to, and the Stop If True setting.

Note: The New Rule button only works for the current selection, so once you create a new conditional format for a different range, the conditional formatting rules manager automatically switches back to the original range. However, in both options, conditional formatting rules can be managed based on your needs and the specific areas of the worksheet.
