Using the C1Input Controls / Culture (Regional) Settings
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Culture (Regional) Settings
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Regional settings affect almost all aspects of C1Input functionality. Formatting, parsing, validating data and performing masked input all depend on cultural settings for string comparison, numeric and date time formats and special characters, such as decimal point character. See description of the CultureInfo class in .NET Framework documentation for details on culture-specific settings.

C1Input controls use the following properties to define CultureInfo:

You can change any settings in the CultureInfo programmatically. To enable this, C1Input controls fire the CultureInfoSetup event at startup and whenever the Culture property is set. Handling this event you can fine-tune various CultureInfo settings. For example, you may want to set CultureInfo.DateTimeFormat.FirstDayOfWeek according to your application needs.

Another setting affecting most of C1Input functionality is the Boolean CaseSensitive property (although it is not culture-related). Case sensitivity is used in string comparisons. C1Input controls have a CaseSensitive property that defines the default case sensitivity for all operations. You can override this setting in most classes controlling particular functionality, such as ParseInfo, PreValidation, PostValidation, and so on.

See Also