Using the C1Input Controls / C1Input Controls / C1RangeSlider Control Overview / C1Range Slider Features / Maximum and Minimum Values
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Maximum and Minimum Values
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The Maximum and Minimum properties enable you to set upper and lower allowable bounds for range in C1RangeSlider control. Lower value thumb cannot be set to a value less than the Minimum, and Upper Value thumb cannot be set to a value greater than the Maximum.

By default Minimum is set to 0 and Maximum is set to 100.

Set the Minimum and Maximum values using Minimum and Maximum properties from Properties pane of the control, or through code:

To write code in Visual Basic

Visual Basic
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Me.c1RangeSlider1.Minimum = 10
Me.c1RangeSlider1.Maximum = 100

To write code in C#

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this.c1RangeSlider1.Minimum = 10;
this.c1RangeSlider1.Maximum = 100; 
See Also