Input for WinForms Samples

Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos which may make use of other development tools included with the ComponentOne Studio.

Please refer to the pre-installed product samples through the following path:

Documents\ComponentOne Samples\WinForms

Note: The Samples are also available at

Visual basic samples

The following Visual Basic samples are included with C1Input:

Sample Description
CreditCardDropDown Using a custom drop-down form. This sample uses the C1DropDownControl and DropDownForm controls.
FormattingInBinding Demonstrates the use of two important events of C1TextBox, C1Label, and C1PictureBox controls.This sample uses the C1DateEdit, C1DbNavigator, C1Label, and C1PictureBox controls.
InheritedDropDown Implements a fully functional font editing control based onC1DropDrownControl. The user can change font properties with the texteditor or open the drop-down portion to change font properties in a more convenient way. This sample uses the C1DropDownControl, C1TextBox, and DropDownForm controls.
LookUpSample Shows how to create a custom drop-down control with names from a lookup table. The UpDown button scrolls the names, while the ellipsis (...) button allows to enter a new name.
NumPadDropDown1 Replaces the standard calculator in a C1NumericEdit control with the custom drop-down numpad. This sample uses the C1NumericEdit and DropDownForm controls.
NumPadDropDown2 Demonstrates the ability to enter numbers with the mouse or other pointing device. This sample uses the C1DbNavigator, C1NumericEdit, and DropDownForm controls.
ComboBoxFeatures Demonstrates the basic features of C1ComboBox such as the difference between the Default and DropDownList styles, how to bind the dropdownlist to an enum, array of strings, and a bindingsource, and how to control the drop down form size using the MinimumSize and MaximumSize properties.
ComboBoxImages Shows how to easily use images from the ImageList in the dropdown items of the C1ComboBox control.
ComboBoxItemModes Demonstrates how to use the different values (Default, HtmlPattern, and Html) from the ItemMode property.
SplitButtons This sample shows how to use the C1SplitButton control.
SplitButtonsBasic This sample shows how to use the basic features of the C1SplitButton control such as how to use the Save and SaveAs actions.

C# samples

The following C# samples are included with C1Input:

Sample Description
CreditCardDropDown Using a custom drop-down form. This sample uses the C1DropDownControl and DropDownForm controls.
FormattingInBinding Demonstrates the use of two important events of C1TextBox, C1Label, and C1PictureBox controls.This sample uses the C1DateEdit, C1DbNavigator, C1Label, and C1PictureBox controls.
InheritedDropDown Implements a fully functional font editing control based onC1DropDrownControl. The user can change font properties with the texteditor or open the drop-down portion to change font properties in a more convenient way. This sample uses the C1DropDownControl, C1TextBox, and DropDownForm controls.
NumPadDropDown1 Replaces the standard calculator in a C1NumericEdit control with the custom drop-down numpad. This sample uses the C1NumericEdit and DropDownForm controls.
NumPadDropDown2 Demonstrates the ability to enter numbers with the mouse or other pointing device. This sample uses the C1DbNavigator, C1NumericEdit, and DropDownForm controls.
ComboBoxFeatures Demonstrates the basic features of C1ComboBox such as the difference between the Default and DropDownList styles, how to bind the dropdownlist to an enum, array of strings, and a bindingsource, and how to control the drop down form size using the MinimumSize and MaximumSize properties.
ComboBoxImages Shows how to easily use images from the ImageList in the dropdown items of the C1ComboBox control.
ComboBoxItemModes Demonstrates how to use the different values (Default, HtmlPattern, and Html) from the ItemMode property.
SplitButtons This sample shows how to use the C1SplitButton control.
SplitButtonsBasic This sample shows how to use the basic features of the C1SplitButton control such as how to use the Save and SaveAs actions.