Input for WinForms Tutorials
In This Topic

The tutorials assume that you are familiar with programming in Visual Basic.NET, know what a DataSet is, and generally know how to use bound controls. The tutorials provide step-by-step instructions—no prior knowledge of C1Input is needed. By following the steps outlined in this chapter, you will be able to create projects demonstrating a variety of C1Input features, and get a good sense of what C1Input can do and how to do it.

The tutorials use an Access database, C1NWind.mdb. The database file C1NWind.mdb is in the Common subdirectory of the ComponentOne Samples program folder and the sample projects are in the C1Input subdirectory of the ComponentOne Samples installation directory.

If you have the Northwind database installed in a different location, you can change the connection string, or copy the C1NWind.mdb file to the required location.

Note: If you are running the pre-built tutorial projects included in C1Input installation, please be aware that the projects have the sample database location hard coded in the connection string: Documents\ComponentOne Samples\Common​\C1NWind.mdb
See Also