Input for WinForms Tutorials / Binding C1Input Controls to a Data Source
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Binding C1Input Controls to a Data Source
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In this tutorial, you will see how easy it is to show database data in a form using C1Input components. Without any manual coding, you can format data, navigate data source rows, even display pictures.

C1Input controls support data binding to any .NET data source objects. Among them, you can use any standard ADO.NET object, such as DataTable, DataView or DataSet as your data source. The alternative and recommended way is to use C1DataObjects framework, a part of ComponentOne Studio Enterprise adding many enhancements to ADO.NET. We will use C1DataObjects Express Edition (C1DataExpress) data source in all our tutorials except this first one, since it is the easiest way to bind to data in a .NET application. If you are interested in ADO.NET versions of tutorial projects, they can be found in the Tutorials\ADO.NET subdirectory. This tutorial will show how to bind both to C1DataObjects and to ADO.NET.

See Also