Task-Based Help / Setting the Position of the Context Menu
Setting the Position of the Context Menu

You can customize where the context menu displays relative to it's trigger, such as a button that causes the menu to display.

  1. Add a C1Menu control and a general button control to your project.
  2. Switch to Source View and edit the markup so that it resembles the following:

    To write code in Source View

    <input type="button" value="click here" id="btn1" /> 
    <cc1:C1Menu runat="server" ID="Menu1" Orientation="Vertical" Trigger="#btn1" TriggerEvent="Click"> 
    <Animation Option=""></Animation> 
    <ShowAnimation Option=""></ShowAnimation> 
    <HideAnimation Option="">
    <Animated Effect="fade"></Animated>
    </HideAnimation> <Items>
    <cc1:C1MenuItem ID="C1MenuItem1" runat="server" Text="Breaking News">
    <cc1:C1MenuItem ID="C1MenuItem2" runat="server" Text="Entertainment">
    <cc1:C1MenuItem ID="C1MenuItem3" runat="server" Text="Finance">
    <cc1:C1MenuItem ID="C1MenuItem4" runat="server" Text="Food &#38; Cooking">
    <cc1:C1MenuItem ID="C1MenuItem5" runat="server" Text="Lifestyle">
    <cc1:C1MenuItem ID="C1MenuItem8" runat="server" Text="submenu"></cc1:C1MenuItem>
    <cc1:C1MenuItem ID="C1MenuItem6" runat="server" Text="News">
    <cc1:C1MenuItem ID="C1MenuItem7" runat="server" Text="Politics">
    <cc1:C1MenuItem ID="C1MenuItem9" runat="server" Text="Sports">

    Note that you have set the Click Event and the Trigger properties for the C1Menu control.

  3. Switch back to Design View and click the C1Menu control to show the control properties in the Properties Window. Scroll down to find the Position property and set the options to resemble the following image:

  4. When you run your application, you'll see a button control. When you click the button, the context menu will appear at the position you specified in the properties.