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Get Value

This function is used to get the value of any spilled cell. You can also use this function to calculate any statistic you want, such as YOY, MOM, Percentage, Cumulative, etc.

The available Value functions are as follows.

Syntax and Arguments

  • R.V(cell, [offset | context_cell | "CurrentPage"])

    This function can be used to get the specific spilled cell values by offset or context.




    [Required] Specify the cell that you want to get data.

    Example: R.V(C2)

    This formula will return all the C2 cell values as an array, so you can use the SUM(R.V(C2)) to get the sum of all the C2 cell values.


    [Optional] Specify the offset (R.A or R.R), you can specify multiple offsets, up to 254.

    Example: R.V(C2, R.A(A2, 1)), this will get the C2 cell value in the first group of the A2 spilled cells.


    [Optional] Specify the context cell, the context cell will filter the target cell values.

    You can specify up to two context cells, one vertical context and one horizontal context.


    If the A2 cell is bind to the year column, B2 cell is bind to the month column, C2 cell is bind to the sales column.

    • R.V(C2, A2) will return all the sales as an array in the current year.

    • C2/SUM(R.V(C2, A2)) will return the current month's sales as a percentage of the year's sales.


    [Optional] Specify the current page as the context.

    You can use this context to get the spilled cell values in the current page.


    If the A2 cell is bind to the year column, B2 cell is bind to the month column, C2 cell is bind to the sales column.

    • R.V(C2, “CurrentPage“) will return all the sales as an array in the current page.

    • SUM(R.V(C2, “CurrentPage“)) will return the sales page total.

  • R.A(cell, offset)

    (Absolute offset) This function can only be used as the R.V function’s parameter.




    [Required] Specify the cell that you want to use as the offset cell.


    [Required] Specify the offset number.


    If the A2 cell is bind to the year column, B2 cell is bind to the month column, C2 cell is bind to the sales column.

    • R.V(C2, R.A(A2, 1), R.A(B2, 5)) will return the sales in the fifth month of the first year.

    • R.V(C2, R.A(A2, 2), R.A(B2, 2)) will return the sales in the second month of the second year.

  • R.R(cell, offset)

    (Relative offset) This function can only be used as the R.V function’s parameter.




    [Required] Specify the cell that you want to use as the offset cell.


    [Required] Specify the offset number.


    If the A2 cell is bind to the year column, B2 cell is bind to the month column, C2 cell is bind to the sales column.

    • R.V(C2,R.R(B2,-1)) will return the last month's sales.

    • C2/R.V(C2,R.R(B2,-1)) will return the month-over-month value.

    The first month will get an empty value which will cause the #DIV/0! error. In this case, the IF function is used to process it.

    Therefore, the final function will be IF(R.V(C2,R.R(B2,-1))>0,C2/R.V(C2,R.R(B2,-1)),0).


The output of the above code will look like below.
