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Template Sheet Settings

The TemplateSheet refers to the template of a report. It includes a number of report-related parameters as well as explains many report-related concepts. Since the TemplateSheet is an extension of the worksheet, you can consider it as a worksheet as well.

You can use various methods and properties of the TemplateSheet class to configure the settings for a report template.

To know more about TemplateSheet settings, refer to the following topics:



Template Cell Type

Controls how to organize data.

Spill Mode

Overwrites cells when spilled in a ReportSheet.

Auto Expand

Controls whether the cell can be expanded or not.

Spill Direction

Controls how the data spills in the report sheet.


Sets the vertical and horizontal context for the cell.


Clears the offset of the spilled cell in the TemplateSheet.

Data Filter

Filters data based on specified conditions.

Data Sort

Sorts data in ascending, descending, or in their customized order.

Auto Fit Template Cell

Automatically adjusts column width and row height to fit the content when generating reports.

Cell Style

Sets background colors or borders for cells.

Conditional Format

Sets the conditional format on the template sheet.

Data Validation

Verifies that the data entered into cells meets certain criteria or rules.

Cell States

Represents how a cell will respond to different actions from the user.

Show/Collapse Cells

Controls whether to show the button that can collapse the children of the cell in the report.

Formula Functions

Defines basic function usage.

Data Entry Settings

Sets data entry setting in the template sheet.


Customizes pagination settings in the template sheet.

Layout Setting

Sets row/column layout settings.

Picture Shape

Adds a picture as a shape to make the report more informative.