In SpreadJS, Data Charts are specialized charts designed to work seamlessly with data from the Data Manager. Unlike the other traditional charts, which rely solely on static data ranges or Excel-like models, Data Charts are bound directly to the SpreadJS Data Manager, eliminating the need to store the data within the SpreadJS workbook. This allows for more powerful and flexible data binding and visualization of data, which makes them highly suitable for interactive and data-driven reports.
The main advantages of using a Data Chart are mentioned below:
Dynamic Data Binding: You can directly bind chart data to the Data Manager, which eliminates the need for fixed data ranges.
Enhanced Customization: Data Charts provide more powerful and flexible style settings compared to traditional charts. It has advanced and customizable style settings options.
A Data Chart is created using the GC.Spread.Sheets.DataCharts.DataChart class. You can also insert a Data Chart in the Spread Designer Component, by selecting the INSERT tab, and then clicking on the Data Charts button.
Data Chart is an add-on feature. If the script for this feature is used locally without a license key, a watermark will appear.
To use it in your application, you must purchase and activate the SpreadJS product license key along with this Data Charts feature.
Data Charts and Excel charts are not compatible. Therefore, when exported to Excel, the Data Chart is saved as an image.