ComponentOne Dialog for ASP.NET Web Forms
Task-Based Help / Using the Modal Dialog Option / Creating a Confirm Dialog Box
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    Creating a Confirm Dialog Box
    In This Topic

    C1Dialog can also be used to confirm user actions, such as emptying the recycle bin. You will create a Confirm Dialog window in this topic.

    Complete the following steps:

    1. Go to the Source View of your project.
    2. Locate the first pair of <asp:Content> tags and insert the following script after the runat="server" property:

      To write code in Source View

      <script type="text/javascript">
      function delClick() {
      function cancelClick() {
    3. Locate the <cc1:C1Dialog> tag. Insert the following markup after the runat="server" property:

      To write code in Source View

      <cc1:C1Dialog ID="C1Dialog1" runat="server" Width="400" Height="200" Title="Download complete"
      Modal="True" CloseText="Close">
      <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-circle-check"></span>Your files have uploaded successfully!
      <ExpandingAnimation Duration="400" />
      <CollapsingAnimation Duration="300" />
      <cc1:DialogButton onclientclick="delClick" text="Del" />
      <cc1:DialogButton onclientclick="cancelClick" text="Cancel" />
      <Pin Visible="false" />
      <Refresh Visible="False" />
      <Toggle Visible="False" />
      <Minimize Visible="False" />
      <Maximize Visible="False" />
    4. Run your program. The Confirm Dialog window should resemble the following image: