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Interface IShape

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public interface IShape extends IContainer
Represents an object in the drawing layer, such as an AutoShape, chart, or picture. The Shape object is a member of the IShapes collection. TheShapes collection contains all the shapes on a slide.
  • Method Details

    • getControl

      IControl getControl()
      Gets the associated control.

      value: The associated control. null if the shape is not a control.

    • ungroup

      IShapeRange ungroup()
      Ungroups any grouped shapes in the specified shape or range of shapes. Disassembles pictures and OLE objects within the specified shape or range of shapes.
      A ShapeRange object that represents the ungrouped shapes.
    • getParent

      IWorksheet getParent()
      Gets the shape's parent sheet.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of the object.
    • setName

      void setName(String value)
      Sets the name of the object.
    • getTopLeftCell

      IRange getTopLeftCell()
      Returns the IRange object that represents the cell that lies underthe upper-left corner of the specified object.
    • getBottomRightCell

      IRange getBottomRightCell()
      Returns the IRange object that represents the cell that lies underthe lower-right corner of the object.
    • getTitle

      String getTitle()
      Gets the title of the alternative text associated with the specified shape.
    • setTitle

      void setTitle(String value)
      Sets the title of the alternative text associated with the specified shape.
    • getRotation

      double getRotation()
      Returns the rotation of the shape in degrees.
    • setRotation

      void setRotation(double value)
      Sets the rotation of the shape in degrees.
    • getChart

      IChart getChart()
      Returns an object that represents the IChart contained in this shape.
    • getAutoShapeType

      AutoShapeType getAutoShapeType()
      Returns the shape type for the specified IShape object, which mustrepresent an AutoShape other than a line, freeform drawing, or connector.
    • setAutoShapeType

      void setAutoShapeType(AutoShapeType value)
      Sets the shape type for the specified IShape object, which mustrepresent an AutoShape other than a line, freeform drawing, or connector.
    • getConnector

      boolean getConnector()
      Gets whether the specified shape is a connector.
    • getConnectorFormat

      IConnectorFormat getConnectorFormat()
      Returns the IConnectorFormat object that contains connectorformatting properties. Applies to IShape objects that representconnectors.
    • getFill

      IFillFormat getFill()
      Returns the IFillFormat object that contains fill formattingproperties for the specified chart or shape.
    • getHasChart

      boolean getHasChart()
      Returns information if the IShape contains a chart.
    • getLine

      ILineFormat getLine()
      Returns the ILineFormat object that contains line formattingproperties for the specified shape.
    • getParentGroup

      IShape getParentGroup()
      Returns the IShape object that represents the common parent shape ofa child shape or a range of child shapes.
    • getGroupItems

      IGroupShapes getGroupItems()
      Returns the IGroupShapes object that represents the individual shapesin the specified group. Use the indexer of IGroupShapes to return asingle shape from the group.
    • getPictureFormat

      IPictureFormat getPictureFormat()
      Returns the IPictureFormat object that contains picture formattingproperties for the specified shape.
    • getTextFrame

      ITextFrame getTextFrame()
      Returns the ITextFrame object that contains the text and font styleproperties for the specified shape.
    • getPlacement

      Placement getPlacement()
      Returns the way the object is attached to the cells below it.
    • setPlacement

      void setPlacement(Placement value)
      Sets the way the object is attached to the cells below it.
    • getThreeD

      IThreeDFormat getThreeD()
      Returns the IThreeDFormat object that contains 3-D – effectformatting properties for the specified shape.
    • getType

      ShapeType getType()
      Returns the shape type.
    • getVisible

      boolean getVisible()
      Gets whether the object is visible.
    • setVisible

      void setVisible(boolean value)
      Sets whether the object is visible.
    • getIsPrintable

      boolean getIsPrintable()
      Gets whether the object should be printed.
    • setIsPrintable

      void setIsPrintable(boolean value)
      Sets whether the object should be printed.
    • getLocked

      boolean getLocked()
      Gets whether the object is locked (True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the sheet is protected, read or write Boolean).
    • setLocked

      void setLocked(boolean value)
      Sets whether the object is locked (True if the object is locked, False if the object can be modified when the sheet is protected, read or write Boolean).
    • getZOrderPosition

      int getZOrderPosition()
      Gets the position of the specified shape in the z-order.
    • getFormula

      String getFormula()
      Gets the formula of the current shape.
      The formula.
    • setFormula

      void setFormula(String formula)
      Sets the formula of the current shape.
      formula - The formula to set.
    • delete

      void delete()
      Deletes the object.
    • duplicate

      IShape duplicate()
      Duplicates the shape and returns a reference to the new copy.
    • zOrder

      void zOrder(ZOrderType zOrderType)
      Moves the specified shape in front of or behind other shapes in the collection (that is, changes the shape's position in the z-order).
      zOrderType - Required com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing.ZOrderType. Specifies where to move the specifiedshape relative to the other shapes.
    • getAdjustments

      IAdjustments getAdjustments()
      Gets a collection of adjustment values for the specified AutoShape or connector.
    • IHyperlink getHyperlink()
      Returns a Hyperlink object that represents the hyperlink for the shape.
    • toImage

      void toImage(String fileName)
      Saves the shape to the specified image file.
      fileName - The output image file.
    • toImage

      void toImage(String fileName, ImageSaveOptions options)
      Saves the shape to the specified image file using options.
      fileName - The output image file.
      options - The options for output image.
    • toImage

      void toImage(OutputStream stream, ImageType imageType)
      Saves the shape to the specified image stream.
      stream - The output image stream.
      imageType - Specifies the type of image to create.
    • toImage

      void toImage(OutputStream stream, ImageType imageType, ImageSaveOptions options)
      Saves the shape to the specified image stream.
      stream - The output image stream.
      imageType - Specifies the type of image to create.
      options - The options for output image.
    • fromJson

      void fromJson(String json)
      Generate a new shape from the json string.
      json - the json string represents a shape.
    • toJson

      String toJson()
      Generates a json string from the shape.
      the json string