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Interface IDisplayUnitLabel

public interface IDisplayUnitLabel
Represents a unit label on an axis in the specified chart.
  • Method Details

    • getParent

      IAxis getParent()
      Gets the parent object.
    • getFont

      IFontFormat getFont()
      Returns a IFontFormat object that represents the fontof the specified object.
    • getFormat

      IChartFormat getFormat()
      Returns the IChartFormat object.
    • getText

      String getText()
      Gets the text for the specified object.
    • setText

      void setText(String value)
      Sets the text for the specified object.
    • getTextFrame

      ITextFrame getTextFrame()
      Returns the ITextFrame object that contains the text and font styleproperties for the specified display unit label.
    • delete

      void delete()
      Deletes the object.