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Interface IConnectorFormat

public interface IConnectorFormat
Represents properties and methods that apply to connectors.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    beginConnect(IShape connectedShape, int connectionSite)
    Attaches the beginning of the specified connector to a specified shape.
    Detaches the beginning of the specified connector from the shape it’s attached to.
    endConnect(IShape connectedShape, int connectionSite)
    Attaches the end of the specified connector to a specified shape.
    Detaches the end of the specified connector from the shape it’s attached to.
    Gets whether the connector is connected to a shape (True if the beginning of the specified connector is connected to a shape).
    Returns the IShape object that represents the shape that thebeginning of the specified connector is attached to.
    Returns an integer that specifies the connection site that the beginning of a connector is connected to.
    Gets whether the end of the connector is connected to a shape (True if the end of the specified connector is connected to a shape).
    Returns the IShape object that represents the shape that the end ofthe specified connector is attached to.
    Returns an integer that specifies the connection site that the end of a connector is connected to.
    Gets the connector format type.
    Sets the connector format type.
  • Method Details

    • getBeginConnected

      boolean getBeginConnected()
      Gets whether the connector is connected to a shape (True if the beginning of the specified connector is connected to a shape).
    • getBeginConnectedShape

      IShape getBeginConnectedShape()
      Returns the IShape object that represents the shape that thebeginning of the specified connector is attached to.
    • getBeginConnectionSite

      int getBeginConnectionSite()
      Returns an integer that specifies the connection site that the beginning of a connector is connected to.
    • getEndConnected

      boolean getEndConnected()
      Gets whether the end of the connector is connected to a shape (True if the end of the specified connector is connected to a shape).
    • getEndConnectedShape

      IShape getEndConnectedShape()
      Returns the IShape object that represents the shape that the end ofthe specified connector is attached to.
    • getEndConnectionSite

      int getEndConnectionSite()
      Returns an integer that specifies the connection site that the end of a connector is connected to.
    • getType

      ConnectorType getType()
      Gets the connector format type.
    • setType

      void setType(ConnectorType value)
      Sets the connector format type.
    • beginConnect

      void beginConnect(IShape connectedShape, int connectionSite)
      Attaches the beginning of the specified connector to a specified shape.
      connectedShape - Required IShape object. The shape to attach the beginningof the connector to. The specified Shape object must be in the same IShapes collection as the connector.
      connectionSite - Required Integer. A connection site on the shape specified byConnectedShape.
    • beginDisconnect

      void beginDisconnect()
      Detaches the beginning of the specified connector from the shape it’s attached to.
    • endConnect

      void endConnect(IShape connectedShape, int connectionSite)
      Attaches the end of the specified connector to a specified shape.
      connectedShape - Required IShape object. The shape to attach the end of theconnector to. The specified Shape object must be in the same IShapes collection as the connector.
      connectionSite - Required Integer. A connection site on the shape specified byConnectedShape.
    • endDisconnect

      void endDisconnect()
      Detaches the end of the specified connector from the shape it’s attached to.