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Interface IFontFormat

public interface IFontFormat
Represents font attributes (for example, font name, font size, and color) for an object.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is bold.
    Gets the color format.
    Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is italicized.
    Gets the font name to use for the represented text.
    Gets the size of the font in points.
    Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text has a strike through it.
    Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a subscript.
    Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a superscript.
    Gets the theme font in the applied font scheme that is associated with the specified object.
    Gets the UnderlineStyle of the represented text.
    setBold(boolean value)
    Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is bold.
    setItalic(boolean value)
    Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is italicized.
    setName(String value)
    Sets the font name to use for the represented text.
    setSize(double value)
    Sets the size of the font in points.
    setStrikethrough(boolean value)
    Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text has a strike through it.
    setSubscript(boolean value)
    Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a subscript.
    setSuperscript(boolean value)
    Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a superscript.
    Sets the theme font in the applied font scheme that is associated with the specified object.
    Sets the UnderlineStyle of the represented text.
  • Method Details

    • getColor

      IColorFormat getColor()
      Gets the color format.
    • getBold

      boolean getBold()
      Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is bold.
    • setBold

      void setBold(boolean value)
      Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is bold.
    • getItalic

      boolean getItalic()
      Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is italicized.
    • setItalic

      void setItalic(boolean value)
      Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is italicized.
    • getName

      String getName()
      Gets the font name to use for the represented text.
    • setName

      void setName(String value)
      Sets the font name to use for the represented text.
    • getSize

      double getSize()
      Gets the size of the font in points.
    • setSize

      void setSize(double value)
      Sets the size of the font in points.
    • getStrikethrough

      boolean getStrikethrough()
      Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text has a strike through it.
    • setStrikethrough

      void setStrikethrough(boolean value)
      Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text has a strike through it.
    • getSubscript

      boolean getSubscript()
      Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a subscript.
    • setSubscript

      void setSubscript(boolean value)
      Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a subscript.
    • getSuperscript

      boolean getSuperscript()
      Gets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a superscript.
    • setSuperscript

      void setSuperscript(boolean value)
      Sets the boolean property that indicates whether the represented text is a superscript.
    • getUnderline

      TextUnderlineType getUnderline()
      Gets the UnderlineStyle of the represented text.
    • setUnderline

      void setUnderline(TextUnderlineType value)
      Sets the UnderlineStyle of the represented text.
    • getThemeFont

      ThemeFont getThemeFont()
      Gets the theme font in the applied font scheme that is associated with the specified object.
    • setThemeFont

      void setThemeFont(ThemeFont value)
      Sets the theme font in the applied font scheme that is associated with the specified object.