Interface IBackgroundPicture
All Superinterfaces:
, IShape
public interface IBackgroundPicture
extends IShape
Represents an picture object which will be used as the background picture. The Shape object is a member of the IBackgroundPictures
collection. The background picture collection contains all the background pictures on a slide.
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods
Gets a value that describes how an Image should be stretched to fill the destination rectangle.
Gets a value that describes how rounded the corners are on a rectangular die-cut, in pixels.
Gets the degree of transparency of the specified picture as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
Sets a value that describes how an Image should be stretched to fill the destination rectangle.
Sets a value that describes how rounded the corners are on a rectangular die-cut, in pixels.
Sets the degree of transparency of the specified picture as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
Methods inherited from interface com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing.IContainer
getHeight , getHeightInPixel , getLeft , getLeftInPixel , getTop , getTopInPixel , getWidth , getWidthInPixel , setHeight , setHeightInPixel , setLeft , setLeftInPixel , setTop , setTopInPixel , setWidth , setWidthInPixel
Methods inherited from interface com.grapecity.documents.excel.drawing.IShape
delete , duplicate , fromJson , getAdjustments , getAutoShapeType , getBottomRightCell , getChart , getConnector , getConnectorFormat , getControl , getFill , getFormula , getGroupItems , getHasChart , getHyperlink , getIsPrintable , getLine , getLocked , getName , getParent , getParentGroup , getPictureFormat , getPlacement , getRotation , getTextFrame , getThreeD , getTitle , getTopLeftCell , getType , getVisible , getZOrderPosition , setAutoShapeType , setFormula , setIsPrintable , setLocked , setName , setPlacement , setRotation , setTitle , setVisible , toImage , toImage , toImage , toImage , toJson , ungroup , zOrder
Method Details
double getTransparency ()
Gets the degree of transparency of the specified picture as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
void setTransparency (double value)
Sets the degree of transparency of the specified picture as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
Gets a value that describes how an Image should be stretched to fill the destination rectangle.
Sets a value that describes how an Image should be stretched to fill the destination rectangle.
int getCornerRadius ()
Gets a value that describes how rounded the corners are on a rectangular die-cut, in pixels.
void setCornerRadius (int value)
Sets a value that describes how rounded the corners are on a rectangular die-cut, in pixels.