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Interface IChartArea

public interface IChartArea
Represents the chart area of a chart. The chart area on a 2-D chart contains the axes, the chart title, the axis titles, and the legend. The chart area on a 3-D chart contains the chart title and the legend; it doesn’t include the plot area (the area within the chart area where the data is plotted). For information about formatting the plot area, see the IPlotArea object.
  • Method Details

    • getParent

      IChart getParent()
      Returns the parent object for the specified object.
    • getFont

      IFontFormat getFont()
      Returns the IFontFormat object that represents the font of thespecified object.
    • getFormat

      IChartFormat getFormat()
      Returns the IFontFormat object.
    • getRoundedCorners

      boolean getRoundedCorners()
      Gets whether the embedded chart has rounded corners.
    • setRoundedCorners

      void setRoundedCorners(boolean value)
      Sets whether the embedded chart has rounded corners.