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Interface IPictureFormat

public interface IPictureFormat
Represents properties and methods that apply to pictures.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets the brightness of the specified picture or OLE object.
    Gets the type of color transformation applied to the specified picture.
    Gets the contrast for the specified picture or OLE object.
    Gets the ICrop object that represents the cropping settings for thespecified IPictureFormat object.
    Gets the number of points that are cropped off the bottom of the specified picture.
    Gets the number of points that are cropped off the left side of the specified picture.
    Gets the number of points that are cropped off the right side of the specified picture.
    Gets the number of points that are cropped off the top of the specified picture.
    Gets the byte array of the specified picture.
    Gets or sets the reference of current picture.
    Gets the degree of transparency of the specified picture.
    Gets whether the specified picture format uses a transparent background.
    Gets the image type of the specified picture.
    Gets the URL of the picture from JSON.
    setBrightness(double value)
    Sets the brightness of the specified picture or OLE object.
    Sets the type of color transformation applied to the specified picture.
    setContrast(double value)
    Sets the contrast for the specified picture or OLE object.
    setCropBottom(double value)
    Sets the number of points that are cropped off the bottom of the specified picture.
    setCropLeft(double value)
    Sets the number of points that are cropped off the left side of the specified picture.
    setCropRight(double value)
    Sets the number of points that are cropped off the right side of the specified picture.
    setCropTop(double value)
    Sets the number of points that are cropped off the top of the specified picture.
    setFill(byte[] bytes)
    Sets the byte array of the specified picture.
    Sets the reference of current picture.
    setTransparency(double value)
    Sets the degree of transparency of the specified picture as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
    setTransparentBackground(boolean value)
    Sets whether the specified picture format uses a transparent background.
  • Method Details

    • getBrightness

      double getBrightness()
      Gets the brightness of the specified picture or OLE object. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (dimmest) to 1.0 (brightest).
    • setBrightness

      void setBrightness(double value)
      Sets the brightness of the specified picture or OLE object. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (dimmest) to 1.0 (brightest).
    • getColorType

      PictureColorType getColorType()
      Gets the type of color transformation applied to the specified picture.
    • setColorType

      void setColorType(PictureColorType value)
      Sets the type of color transformation applied to the specified picture.
    • getContrast

      double getContrast()
      Gets the contrast for the specified picture or OLE object. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (the least contrast) to 1.0 (the greatest contrast).
    • setContrast

      void setContrast(double value)
      Sets the contrast for the specified picture or OLE object. The value for this property must be a number from 0.0 (the least contrast) to 1.0 (the greatest contrast).
    • getCrop

      ICrop getCrop()
      Gets the ICrop object that represents the cropping settings for thespecified IPictureFormat object.
    • getCropBottom

      double getCropBottom()
      Gets the number of points that are cropped off the bottom of the specified picture.
    • setCropBottom

      void setCropBottom(double value)
      Sets the number of points that are cropped off the bottom of the specified picture.
    • getCropLeft

      double getCropLeft()
      Gets the number of points that are cropped off the left side of the specified picture.
    • setCropLeft

      void setCropLeft(double value)
      Sets the number of points that are cropped off the left side of the specified picture.
    • getCropRight

      double getCropRight()
      Gets the number of points that are cropped off the right side of the specified picture.
    • setCropRight

      void setCropRight(double value)
      Sets the number of points that are cropped off the right side of the specified picture.
    • getCropTop

      double getCropTop()
      Gets the number of points that are cropped off the top of the specified picture.
    • setCropTop

      void setCropTop(double value)
      Sets the number of points that are cropped off the top of the specified picture.
    • getFill

      byte[] getFill()
      Gets the byte array of the specified picture.
    • setFill

      void setFill(byte[] bytes)
      Sets the byte array of the specified picture.
    • getType

      ImageType getType()
      Gets the image type of the specified picture.
      The image type of the specified picture.
    • getTransparency

      double getTransparency()
      Gets the degree of transparency of the specified picture.
    • setTransparency

      void setTransparency(double value)
      Sets the degree of transparency of the specified picture as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
    • getUrl

      String getUrl()
      Gets the URL of the picture from JSON.
      URL of the picture
    • getReference

      String getReference()
      Gets or sets the reference of current picture.
    • setReference

      void setReference(String value)
      Sets the reference of current picture.
    • getTransparentBackground

      boolean getTransparentBackground()
      Gets whether the specified picture format uses a transparent background.
    • setTransparentBackground

      void setTransparentBackground(boolean value)
      Sets whether the specified picture format uses a transparent background.