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Interface IGradientStop

public interface IGradientStop
Represents one gradient stop.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets a value that represents the color of the gradient stop.
    Gets a value that represents the position of the gradient stop.
    Gets a value that represents the opacity of the gradient fill expressed as a percent.
    setPosition(double value)
    Sets a value that represents the position of the gradient stop.
    setTransparency(double value)
    Sets a value that represents the opacity of the gradient fill expressed as a percent.
  • Method Details

    • getColor

      IColorFormat getColor()
      Gets a value that represents the color of the gradient stop.
    • getPosition

      double getPosition()
      Gets a value that represents the position of the gradient stop.
    • setPosition

      void setPosition(double value)
      Sets a value that represents the position of the gradient stop.
    • getTransparency

      double getTransparency()
      Gets a value that represents the opacity of the gradient fill expressed as a percent.
    • setTransparency

      void setTransparency(double value)
      Sets a value that represents the opacity of the gradient fill expressed as a percent.