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Interface ILineFormat

public interface ILineFormat
Represents line and arrowhead formatting.
  • Method Details

    • getPatternColor

      IColorFormat getPatternColor()
      Returns the IColorFormat object that represents the specified colorof patterns.
    • getColor

      IColorFormat getColor()
      Returns the IColorFormat object that represents the specified solidcolor.
    • getType

      FillType getType()
      Returns the fill type of the line.
    • getBeginArrowheadLength

      ArrowheadLength getBeginArrowheadLength()
      Gets the length of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line.
    • setBeginArrowheadLength

      void setBeginArrowheadLength(ArrowheadLength value)
      Sets the length of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line.
    • getBeginArrowheadStyle

      ArrowheadStyle getBeginArrowheadStyle()
      Gets the style of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line.
    • setBeginArrowheadStyle

      void setBeginArrowheadStyle(ArrowheadStyle value)
      Sets the style of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line.
    • getBeginArrowheadWidth

      ArrowheadWidth getBeginArrowheadWidth()
      Gets the width of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line.
    • setBeginArrowheadWidth

      void setBeginArrowheadWidth(ArrowheadWidth value)
      Sets the width of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line.
    • getDashStyle

      LineDashStyle getDashStyle()
      Gets the dash style for the specified line. Can be one of the LineDashStyle constants.
    • setDashStyle

      void setDashStyle(LineDashStyle value)
      Sets the dash style for the specified line. Can be one of the LineDashStyle constants.
    • getCapStyle

      LineCapStyle getCapStyle()
      Gets the cap style for the end of the line. Can be one of the LineCapStyle constants.
    • setCapStyle

      void setCapStyle(LineCapStyle value)
      Sets the cap style for the end of the line. Can be one of the LineCapStyle constants.
    • getJoinStyle

      LineJoinStyle getJoinStyle()
      Gets the corners style of two intersecting lines. Can be one of the LineJoinStyle constants.
    • setJoinStyle

      void setJoinStyle(LineJoinStyle value)
      Sets the corners style of two intersecting lines. Can be one of the LineJoinStyle constants.
    • getEndArrowheadLength

      ArrowheadLength getEndArrowheadLength()
      Gets the length of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line.
    • setEndArrowheadLength

      void setEndArrowheadLength(ArrowheadLength value)
      Sets the length of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line.
    • getEndArrowheadStyle

      ArrowheadStyle getEndArrowheadStyle()
      Gets the style of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line.
    • setEndArrowheadStyle

      void setEndArrowheadStyle(ArrowheadStyle value)
      Sets the style of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line.
    • getEndArrowheadWidth

      ArrowheadWidth getEndArrowheadWidth()
      Gets the width of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line.
    • setEndArrowheadWidth

      void setEndArrowheadWidth(ArrowheadWidth value)
      Sets the width of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line.
    • getInsetPen

      boolean getInsetPen()
      Gets whether lines are drawn inside the specified shape's boundaries.
    • setInsetPen

      void setInsetPen(boolean value)
      Sets whether lines are drawn inside the specified shape's boundaries.
    • getPattern

      PatternType getPattern()
      Gets the line pattern.
    • getStyle

      LineStyle getStyle()
      Gets the LineStyle object that represents the ILineFormatstyle.
    • setStyle

      void setStyle(LineStyle value)
      Sets the LineStyle object that represents the ILineFormatstyle.
    • getTransparency

      double getTransparency()
      Gets the degree of transparency of the specified line as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
    • setTransparency

      void setTransparency(double value)
      Sets the degree of transparency of the specified line as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
    • getVisible

      boolean getVisible()
      Gets whether the object is visible.
    • setVisible

      void setVisible(boolean value)
      Sets whether the object is visible.
    • getGradientAngle

      double getGradientAngle()
      Gets the angle of the gradient line for the specified line format.
    • setGradientAngle

      void setGradientAngle(double value)
      Sets the angle of the gradient line for the specified line format.
    • getGradientDegree

      double getGradientDegree()
      Returns the gradient degree of the specified one-color shaded line as a floating-point value from 0.0 (dark) through 1.0 (light).
    • getGradientStops

      IGradientStops getGradientStops()
      Returns the end point for the gradient line. This property is read-only.
    • getGradientStyle

      GradientStyle getGradientStyle()
      Returns the gradient style for the specified line.
    • getGradientVariant

      int getGradientVariant()
      Returns the shade variant for the specified fill as an integer value from 1 through 4.
    • getWeight

      double getWeight()
      Gets the weight of the line.
    • setWeight

      void setWeight(double value)
      Sets the weight of the line.
    • oneColorGradient

      void oneColorGradient(GradientStyle style, int variant, double degree)
      Sets the specified line to a one-color gradient.
      style - Required GradientStyle. Can be one of the following GradientStyle constants:GradientDiagonalDown, GradientDiagonalUp, GradientFromCenter, GradientFromCorner, GradientFromTitle, GradientHorizontal, or GradientVertical.
      variant - Required Integer. The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the line Effects dialog box. If GradientStyle is GradientFromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.
      degree - Required Single. The gradient degree. Can be a value from 0.0(dark) through 1.0 (light).
    • twoColorGradient

      void twoColorGradient(GradientStyle style, int variant)
      Sets the specified line to a two-color gradient.
      style - Required GradientStyle. Can be one of the following GradientStyle constants: GradientDiagonalDown, GradientDiagonalUp, GradientFromCenter, GradientFromCorner, GradientFromTitle, GradientHorizontal, or GradientVertical.
      variant - Required Integer. The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the line Effects dialog box. If GradientStyle is GradientFromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.
    • presetGradient

      void presetGradient(GradientStyle style, int variant, PresetGradientType presetGradientType)
      Sets the specified line to a preset gradient.
      style - Required GradientStyle.Can be one of the following GradientStyle constants: GradientDiagonalDown, GradientDiagonalUp, GradientFromCenter, GradientFromCorner, GradientFromTitle, GradientHorizontal, or GradientVertical.
      variant - Required Integer. The gradient variant. Can be a value from 1through 4, corresponding to one of the four variants on the Gradient tab in the line Effects dialog box. If GradientStyle is GradientFromCenter, the Variant argument can only be 1 or 2.
      presetGradientType - Required PresetGradientType.
    • solid

      void solid()
      Sets the specified line to a uniform color.
    • patterned

      void patterned(PatternType pattern)
      Sets the specified line to a pattern color.
      pattern - Required PatternType.