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Version 6.0.0

New Features and Improvements

  • Added support for reflection effect in Font, Shape, Picture, GroupShape, and CanvasShape using TextEffects and ShapeEffects classes.

  • Added support for glow effect in Font, Shape, Picture, GroupShape, and CanvasShape using TextEffects and ShapeEffects classes.

  • Added support for blur effect in Shape, Picture, GroupShape, and CanvasShape using ShapeEffects class.

  • Added support for soft-edge effect in Shape, Picture, GroupShape, and CanvasShape using ShapeEffects class.

  • Added support for fill-overlay effect in Shape, Picture, GroupShape, and CanvasShape using ShapeEffects class.

  • Added hide-show blocks depending on conditions like {{if }} a {{else}} b {{endif}}.

  • Updated report templates to remove paragraphs that are generated using template tags.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue where format scheme’s images were not serialized while saving documents.