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Version 6.1.0

New Features and Improvements

  • Added support for linked (paragraph and character) styles.

  • Added DsWordDocument.HideLinkedCharacterStyles property that hides linked character styles from the DsWord API, allowing users to use the paragraph part of a linked style pair in place of both styles.

  • Added StyleCollection.AddLinkedStyle method that adds a pair of linked paragraph and character styles to the collection.

  • Added support for 3D effects on shapes and text.

  • Added BevelType enum that specifies the preset bevel type, which defines the look of a bevel.

  • Added LightRigType enum that specifies the preset type of the light rig that is to be applied to the scene.

  • Added LightRigDirection enum that specifies the direction from which the light rig is oriented in relation to the scene.

  • Added CameraPreset enum that specifies the preset camera that defines a starting point for common preset rotations in space.

  • Added MaterialType enum that specifies the preset material type to give the final look and feel of an object.

  • Added FontEffectsPreset enum that specifies the built-in font effects preset.

  • Added ShapeEffectsPreset enum that specifies the built-in shape effects preset.

  • Added IFixedFormattingBag interface that defines properties and methods for working with inherited and direct formatting.

  • Added Point3D class that represents a point in 3D space.

  • Added Vector3D class that represents a vector in 3D space.

  • Added Rotation class that represents a rotation in 3D space.

  • Added Bevel class that represents a bevel on an object face.

  • Added ColoredLine class that represents a colored line.

  • Added Backdrop class that represents a plane in which effects, such as glow and shadow, are applied in relation to the shape they are applied to.

  • Added Lighting class that represents a light rig associated with an object.

  • Added Camera class that represents the placement and properties of a camera in a 3D scene.

  • Added ThreeDScene class that represents a 3D scene effect that can be applied to an object.

  • Added ThreeDFormat class that represents a 3D format effect that can be applied to an object.

  • Added TextEffects.ThreeDFormat property that gets the 3D format effect.

  • Added TextEffects.ThreeDScene property that gets the 3D scene effect.

  • Added TextEffects.Clean() method that sets all effects to default values.

  • Added ShapeEffects.Clean() method that sets all effects to default values.

  • Added IFixedFormattingBag implementation to FillFormat, LineFormatBase, OuterShadow, Reflection, and Glow classes.

  • Added ApplyEffectsPreset() method to the Font, Shape, GroupShape, and Picture classes.

  • Added TextFrameFormat.ThreeDFormat property that gets the 3D format effect.

  • Added TextFrameFormat.ThreeDScene property that gets the 3D scene effect.

  • Added TextFrameFormat.FlatText property that indicates whether to keep text out of the 3D scene.

  • Added state functions: IsFirst(), IsLast(), and Index().

  • Added Format(expression[, format_string[, culture]]) calc function.

  • Added Iif(condition, true_expression, false_expression) calc function.

  • Aggregate calc functions now can have complex arguments, including expressions and function calls.