Added support for linked (paragraph and character) styles.
Added DsWordDocument.HideLinkedCharacterStyles property that hides linked character styles from the DsWord API, allowing users to use the paragraph part of a linked style pair in place of both styles.
Added StyleCollection.AddLinkedStyle method that adds a pair of linked paragraph and character styles to the collection.
Added support for 3D effects on shapes and text.
Added BevelType enum that specifies the preset bevel type, which defines the look of a bevel.
Added LightRigType enum that specifies the preset type of the light rig that is to be applied to the scene.
Added LightRigDirection enum that specifies the direction from which the light rig is oriented in relation to the scene.
Added CameraPreset enum that specifies the preset camera that defines a starting point for common preset rotations in space.
Added MaterialType enum that specifies the preset material type to give the final look and feel of an object.
Added FontEffectsPreset enum that specifies the built-in font effects preset.
Added ShapeEffectsPreset enum that specifies the built-in shape effects preset.
Added IFixedFormattingBag interface that defines properties and methods for working with inherited and direct formatting.
Added Point3D class that represents a point in 3D space.
Added Vector3D class that represents a vector in 3D space.
Added Rotation class that represents a rotation in 3D space.
Added Bevel class that represents a bevel on an object face.
Added ColoredLine class that represents a colored line.
Added Backdrop class that represents a plane in which effects, such as glow and shadow, are applied in relation to the shape they are applied to.
Added Lighting class that represents a light rig associated with an object.
Added Camera class that represents the placement and properties of a camera in a 3D scene.
Added ThreeDScene class that represents a 3D scene effect that can be applied to an object.
Added ThreeDFormat class that represents a 3D format effect that can be applied to an object.
Added TextEffects.ThreeDFormat property that gets the 3D format effect.
Added TextEffects.ThreeDScene property that gets the 3D scene effect.
Added TextEffects.Clean() method that sets all effects to default values.
Added ShapeEffects.Clean() method that sets all effects to default values.
Added IFixedFormattingBag implementation to FillFormat, LineFormatBase, OuterShadow, Reflection, and Glow classes.
Added ApplyEffectsPreset() method to the Font, Shape, GroupShape, and Picture classes.
Added TextFrameFormat.ThreeDFormat property that gets the 3D format effect.
Added TextFrameFormat.ThreeDScene property that gets the 3D scene effect.
Added TextFrameFormat.FlatText property that indicates whether to keep text out of the 3D scene.
Added state functions: IsFirst(), IsLast(), and Index().
Added Format(expression[, format_string[, culture]]) calc function.
Added Iif(condition, true_expression, false_expression) calc function.
Aggregate calc functions now can have complex arguments, including expressions and function calls.