Added API supporting Office Math.
Added OMath class: Represents inline math content.
Added OMathParagraph class: Represents math content on its own line as a paragraph. Can contain one or more OMath instances.
Added OMathStruct abstract base class: Used to represent a mathematical structure inside an OMath instance.
Added Classes derived from OMathStruct: OMathBar, OMathBorderBox, OMathBox, OMathDelimiter, OMathEquationArray, OMathFraction, OMathFunction, OMathGroupCharacter, OMathLimitLower, OMathLimitUpper, OMathMatrix, OMathNary, OMathPhantom, OMathPreSubSuperscript, OMathRadical, OMathSubscript, OMathSubSuperscript, OMathSuperscript.
Added OMathElement class: Used to build specific structures in classes derived from OMathStruct.
Added helper methods to add various types of content to parts of a document. Methods are defined for different part types (Paragraph, Run, OMath etc.) and ensure that only allowed content types can be added using these methods. Examples are Paragraph.AddRun(), Cell.AddTable(), OMath.AddHyperlink() etc.
Added Classes containing helper methods to add allowed content: BidirectionalOverride, Body, CanvasShape, Cell, ControlContent, GroupShape, Hyperlink, OMath, OMathElement, OMathParagraph, Paragraph, Row, Run, Section, SimpleField, Table, TextFrame.
Added ability to escape template tags: Prepend a valid template tag with a backslash to exclude it from template processing.