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Version 6.2.0

New Features and Improvements

  • Added API supporting Office Math.

  • Added OMath class: Represents inline math content.

  • Added OMathParagraph class: Represents math content on its own line as a paragraph. Can contain one or more OMath instances.

  • Added OMathStruct abstract base class: Used to represent a mathematical structure inside an OMath instance.

  • Added Classes derived from OMathStruct: OMathBar, OMathBorderBox, OMathBox, OMathDelimiter, OMathEquationArray, OMathFraction, OMathFunction, OMathGroupCharacter, OMathLimitLower, OMathLimitUpper, OMathMatrix, OMathNary, OMathPhantom, OMathPreSubSuperscript, OMathRadical, OMathSubscript, OMathSubSuperscript, OMathSuperscript.

  • Added OMathElement class: Used to build specific structures in classes derived from OMathStruct.

  • Added helper methods to add various types of content to parts of a document. Methods are defined for different part types (Paragraph, Run, OMath etc.) and ensure that only allowed content types can be added using these methods. Examples are Paragraph.AddRun(), Cell.AddTable(), OMath.AddHyperlink() etc.

  • Added Classes containing helper methods to add allowed content: BidirectionalOverride, Body, CanvasShape, Cell, ControlContent, GroupShape, Hyperlink, OMath, OMathElement, OMathParagraph, Paragraph, Row, Run, Section, SimpleField, Table, TextFrame.

  • Added ability to escape template tags: Prepend a valid template tag with a backslash to exclude it from template processing.