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New Features and Improvements

  • Added RangeBase.Find() and RangeBase.Replace() methods that allow to find and replace content and formatting.

  • Added FindFormatting class that represents the formatting criteria for a find operation.

  • Added FindOptions class that represents options for a find operation.

  • Added FindReplaceOptions class that represents options for a find and replace operation.

  • Added FindResult class that represents the result of a find operation.

  • Added MatchDetails class that represents the details of a match.

  • Added ReplacingArgs class that represents the details about a found text.

  • Added ReplacedArgs class that represents a text range that replaced a search text.

  • Added ReplaceAction enum that specifies the action to take when a match is found.

  • Added ShapeBase class, the base class for all types of shapes.

  • Added Shape class that represents a shape element in a body content.

  • Added ShapeCollection class that represents a collection of Shape objects.

  • Added TextFrame class that represents the text contents of a Shape and associates that textual information, referred to as a text frame story, with a story identifier.

  • Added TextFrameCollection class that represents a collection of TextFrame objects.

  • AddedLinkedTextFrame class that represents a text frame that participates in a text frame story.

  • Added TextFrameFormat class that represents the format of a text frame.

  • Added TextOrientation enum that specifies text orientation.

  • Added TextWrapFormat enum that specifies the preset text shape geometries that can be used for a text frame.

  • AddedTextVerticalAnchor enum that specifies the available vertical anchoring types for text.

  • Added RangeBase.Shapes property that gets the collection of shapes included in this range.

  • Added RangeBase.TextFrames property that gets the collection of text frames included in this range.

  • Added RangeBase.GetDrawings() method that gets the collection of all drawing (based on ShapeBase class) objects like picture, shape and other unknown shape types.

  • Added PictureBulletCollection.Add(byte[] imageBytes, string contentType) that creates a new PictureBullet and adds it to the collection.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect rendering of some tables while exporting from to PDF from DsWord.

Breaking changes

  • Picture class is now based on ShapeBase class (was based on ContentObject class).

  • Removed public constructor from ImageData class.

  • Removed method PictureBulletCollection.Add(ImageData)