Added EastAsianLayout class which specifies any East Asian typography settings which shall be applied to the contents of a run.
Added EastAsianTypography class which provides options for East Asian typography.
Added HyphenationOptions class which allows to configure document hyphenation options.
Added ColorScheme class which represents the color scheme of a Microsoft Office theme.
Added ThemeColor class which represents a color in the color scheme of a theme.
Added ThemeColorSchemeId enum which specifies the theme colors for document themes.
Added ViewType enum which provides possible values for the view mode in application.
Added ZoomType enum which provides possible values for how large or small the document appears on the screen in the application.
Added ViewOptions class which provides various options that control how a document is shown in application.
Filled CompatibilityOptions class which contains compatibility options (previously it contained only CompatibiltyMode property).
Added FontBase.EastAsianLayout property that gets East Asian typography settings which shall be applied to the contents of the run.
Added FontBase.FitTextWidth property that gets or sets that the contents of the run which shall not be automatically displayed based on the width of its contents, rather its contents shall be resized to fit the width specified by the this property.
Added FontBase.FitTextId property that gets or sets a unique ID which shall be used to link multiple contiguous runs with specified "FitTextWidth" property to each other to ensure that their contents are correctly merged into the specified width in the document.
Added Settings.HyphenationOptions property which provides access to document hyphenation options.
Added Settings.EastAsianTypography property which provides access to East Asian typography options.
Added Settings.ViewOptions which provides various options that control how a document is shown in application.
Added Theme.ColorScheme which gets a set of colors which are referred to as a color scheme.
Improved FontBase.Name property behavior - If HintType is FontHintType.ComplexScript returns NameBi", if HintType is FontHintType.EastAsia returns NameFarEast.
Improved performance of creating a new GcWordDocument instance more than 4 times.
Allowed to open a DOCX while it is open in MS Word (use ReadWrite share mode instead of Read in GcWordDocument.Load()).
Fixed the issue where page color disappears after export.
Fixed the issue with saving picture bullets for built-in list templates.
Renamed ThemeColor enum to ThemeColorId.
Changed default value for WordColor.ThemeShade from 0 to 255.
Changed default value for WordColor.ThemeTint from 0 to 255.