This section comprises the features available in DsWord.
Add, modify, and delete comments and comment replies in DsWord.
Work with content controls in DsWord.
Maintain the collection of building blocks in Glossary document in DsWord.
Manage various document related operations in DsWord.
Export Word documents to PDF and image file formats in DsWord.
Add, modify, and delete fields in DsWord.
Add, modify, and delete footnotes and endnotes from a Word document in DsWord.
Define custom fonts, embed them in a Word document and apply them to the runs in DsWord.
Add, modify, and delete header and footer from a Word document in DsWord.
Add image from file/stream, extract, edit, and delete images from a Word document in DsWord.
Add various shapes like textbox, canvas, group, ink etc and apply shape format and shape styles in DsWord.
Add and display the Office Math content in DsWord.
Add, modify, and delete hyperlinks and bookmarks from a Word document in DsWord.
Word with lists and list templates in DsWord.
Work with paragraph and its properties in DsWord.
Work with range objects in DsWord.
Work with sections and section breaks in DsWord.
Work with tables, cells and rows in DsWord.
Work with text objects in DsWord.
Change the theme color and font of a Word document in DsWord.
Helper Methods for Adding Content
Add various content elements using helper methods to a Word document in DsWord.