DsWord provides various Add methods in the classes to add different content elements directly, thus making the code shorter, clearer, and the content elements easily accessible. The following table lists the various Add methods added to the classes:
Class | Method | Description |
Body | AddTable | Adds a Table to the end of the body. |
AddParagraph | Adds a Paragraph to the end of the body. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the body. | |
CanAdd | Gets whether a ContentObject type can be added to the end of the body. | |
CanAddContentControl | Gets whether a ContentControl with a specified type can be added to the end of the body. | |
Section | AddTable | Adds a Table to the end of the section. |
AddParagraph | Adds a Paragraph to the end of the section. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the section. | |
CanAdd | Gets whether a ContentObject type can be added to the end of the section. | |
CanAddContentControl | Gets whether a ContentControl with a specified type can be added to the end of the section. | |
Table | AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the table. |
Row | AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the row. |
Cell | AddTable | Adds a Table to the end of the cell. |
AddParagraph | Adds a Paragraph to the end of the cell. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the cell. | |
Paragraph | AddSimpleField | Adds a SimpleField to the end of the paragraph. |
AddHyperlink | Adds a Hyperlink to the end of the paragraph. | |
AddBidirectionalOverride | Adds a BidirectionalOverride to the end of the paragraph. | |
AddOMathParagraph | Adds an OMathParagraph to the end of the paragraph. | |
AddOMath | Adds an OMath to the end of the paragraph. | |
AddRun | Adds a Run to the end of the paragraph. | |
AddFootnote | Adds a Footnote to the end of the paragraph. | |
AddEndnote | Adds an Endnote to the end of the paragraph. | |
AddComplexField | Adds a ComplexField to the end of the paragraph. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the paragraph. | |
AddSectionBreak | Breaks the parent section right after this paragraph. | |
SimpleField | AddSimpleField | Adds a SimpleField to the end of the simple field. |
AddHyperlink | Adds a Hyperlink to the end of the simple field. | |
AddBidirectionalOverride | Adds a BidirectionalOverride to the end of the simple field. | |
AddOMathParagraph | Adds an OMathParagraph to the end of the simple field. | |
AddOMath | Adds an OMath to the end of the simple field. | |
AddRun | Adds a Run to the end of the simple field. | |
AddFootnote | Adds a Footnote to the end of the simple field. | |
AddEndnote | Adds an Endnote to the end of the simple field. | |
AddComplexField | Adds a ComplexField to the end of the simple field. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the simple field. | |
Hyperlink | AddSimpleField | Adds a SimpleField to the end of the hyperlink. |
AddHyperlink | Adds a Hyperlink to the end of the hyperlink. | |
AddBidirectionalOverride | Adds a BidirectionalOverride to the end of the hyperlink. | |
AddOMathParagraph | Adds an OMathParagraph to the end of the hyperlink. | |
AddOMath | Adds an OMath to the end of the hyperlink. | |
AddRun | Adds a Run to the end of the hyperlink. | |
AddFootnote | Adds a Footnote to the end of the hyperlink. | |
AddEndnote | Adds an Endnote to the end of the hyperlink. | |
AddComplexField | Adds a ComplexField to the end of the hyperlink. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the hyperlink. | |
BidirectionalOverride | AddSimpleField | Adds a SimpleField to the end of the bidirectional override. |
AddHyperlink | Adds a Hyperlink to the end of the bidirectional override. | |
AddBidirectionalOverride | Adds a BidirectionalOverride to the end of the bidirectional override. | |
AddOMathParagraph | Adds an OMathParagraph to the end of the bidirectional override. | |
AddOMath | Adds an OMath to the end of the bidirectional override. | |
AddRun | Adds a Run to the end of the bidirectional override. | |
AddFootnote | Adds a Footnote to the end of the bidirectional override. | |
AddEndnote | Adds an Endnote to the end of the bidirectional override. | |
AddComplexField | Adds a ComplexField to the end of the bidirectional override. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the bidirectional override. | |
OMathParagraph | AddOMath | Adds an OMath to the end of the Office Math paragraph. |
AddRun | Adds a Run to the end of the Office Math paragraph. | |
AddFootnote | Adds a Footnote to the end of the Office Math paragraph. | |
AddEndnote | Adds an Endnote to the end of the Office Math paragraph. | |
AddComplexField | Adds a ComplexField to the end of the Office Math paragraph. | |
OMath | AddSimpleField | Adds a SimpleField to the end of the Office Math zone. |
AddHyperlink | Adds a Hyperlink to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddRun | Adds a Run to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddFootnote | Adds a Footnote to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddEndnote | Adds an Endnote to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddComplexField | Adds a ComplexField to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddOMathStruct | Adds a new OMathStruct to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddAccent | Adds a new OMathAccent to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddBar | Adds a new OMathBar to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddBorderBox | Adds a new OMathBorderBox to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddBox | Adds a new OMathBox to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddDelimiter | Adds a new OMathDelimiter to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddEquationArray | Adds a new OMathEquationArray to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddFraction | Adds a new OMathFraction to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddFunction | Adds a new OMathFunction to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddGroupCharacter | Adds a new OMathGroupCharacter to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddLimitLower | Adds a new OMathLimitLower to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddLimitUpper | Adds a new OMathLimitUpper to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddMatrix | Adds a new OMathMatrix to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddNary | Adds a new OMathNary to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddOMathStruct | Adds a new OMathStruct to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddPhantom | Adds a new OMathPhantom to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddPreSubSuperscript | Adds a new OMathPreSubSuperscript to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddRadical | Adds a new OMathRadical to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddSubscript | Adds a new OMathSubscript to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddSubSuperscript | Adds a new OMathSubSuperscript to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
AddSuperscript | Adds a new OMathSuperscript to the end of the Office Math zone. | |
OMathElement | AddSimpleField | Adds a SimpleField to the end of the Office Math element. |
AddHyperlink | Adds a Hyperlink to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddRun | Adds a Run to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddFootnote | Adds a Footnote to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddEndnote | Adds an Endnote to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddComplexField | Adds a ComplexField to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddOMathStruct | Adds a new OMathStruct to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddAccent | Adds a new OMathAccent to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddBar | Adds a new OMathBar to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddBorderBox | Adds a new OMathBorderBox to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddBox | Adds a new OMathBox to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddDelimiter | Adds a new OMathDelimiter to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddEquationArray | Adds a new OMathEquationArray to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddFraction | Adds a new OMathFraction to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddFunction | Adds a new OMathFunction to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddGroupCharacter | Adds a new OMathGroupCharacter to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddLimitLower | Adds a new OMathLimitLower to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddLimitUpper | Adds a new OMathLimitUpper to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddMatrix | Adds a new OMathMatrix to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddNary | Adds a new OMathNary to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddOMathStruct | Adds a new OMathStruct to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddPhantom | Adds a new OMathPhantom to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddPreSubSuperscript | Adds a new OMathPreSubSuperscript to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddRadical | Adds a new OMathRadical to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddSubscript | Adds a new OMathSubscript to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddSubSuperscript | Adds a new OMathSubSuperscript to the end of the Office Math element. | |
AddSuperscript | Adds a new OMathSuperscript to the end of the Office Math element. | |
Run | AddGroupShape | Adds a GroupShape to the end of the run. |
AddCanvasShape | Adds a CanvasShape to the end of the run. | |
AddShape | Adds a new GeometryType.Rectangle 100 x 100 points Shape to the end of the run. | |
AddPicture | Adds a new Picture to the end of the run. | |
AddInkShape | Adds an InkShape to the end of the run. | |
AddText | Adds a Text to the end of the run. | |
AddTab | Adds a Tab to the end of the run. | |
AddBreak | Adds a Break to the end of the run. | |
AddSymbol | Adds a Symbol to the end of the run. | |
GroupShape | AddGroupShape | Adds a GroupShape to the end of the group shape. |
AddShape | Adds a new GeometryType.Rectangle 100 x 100 points Shape to the end of the group shape. | |
AddPicture | Adds a new Picture to the end of the group shape. | |
AddInkShape | Adds an InkShape to the end of the group shape. | |
CanvasShape | AddGroupShape | Adds a GroupShape to the end of the canvas shape. |
AddShape | Adds a new GeometryType.Rectangle 100 x 100 points Shape to the end of the canvas shape. | |
AddPicture | Adds a new Picture to the end of the canvas shape. | |
AddInkShape | Adds an InkShape to the end of the canvas shape. | |
TextFrame | AddTable | Adds a Table to the end of the text frame. |
AddParagraph | Adds a Paragraph to the end of the text frame. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the text frame. | |
ControlContent | AddTable | Adds a Table to the end of the control content. |
AddParagraph | Adds a Paragraph to the end of the control content. | |
AddSimpleField | Adds a SimpleField to the end of the control content. | |
AddHyperlink | Adds a Hyperlink to the end of the control content. | |
AddBidirectionalOverride | Adds a BidirectionalOverride to the end of the control content. | |
AddOMathParagraph | Adds an OMathParagraph to the end of the control content. | |
AddOMath | Adds an OMath to the end of the control content. | |
AddRun | Adds a Run to the end of the control content. | |
AddFootnote | Adds a Footnote to the end of the control content. | |
AddEndnote | Adds an Endnote to the end of the control content. | |
AddComplexField | Adds a ComplexField to the end of the control content. | |
AddContentControl | Adds a ContentControl to the end of the control content. | |
ContentObject | CanAdd | Gets whether a ContentObject type can be added to this content object. |
CanAddContentControl | Gets whether a ContentControl type can be added to this content object. |
Refer to the following example code to add run and hyperlink directly to the paragraph:
// Initialize GcWordDocument.
GcWordDocument doc = new GcWordDocument();
// Add paragraph with default formatted text.
var p = doc.Body.AddParagraph("AddRun and AddHyperlink methods will add the run and hyperlink directly to the paragraph. ");
// Add another text and a hyperlink into the paragraph formatted with "Heading1" style.
/* Earlier, the code would have looked like this:
p.GetRange().Runs.Add("Follow this link to open Google. ", doc.Styles[BuiltInStyleId.Heading1]);
Hyperlink link1 = p.GetRange().Hyperlinks.Add(new Uri("http://www.google.com"),"", "Click here.");
Now the code is shorter and more clear about what content can be added to the object. */
p.AddRun("Follow this link to open Google. ", doc.Styles[BuiltInStyleId.Heading1]);
p.AddHyperlink(new Uri("http://www.google.com"),"", "Click here.");
// Save the Word document.
doc.Save("HelperMethods.docx", DocumentType.Document);
Refer to the following example code to check if a paragraph can be added after content control using CanAdd method:
// Initialize GcWordDocument.
var doc = new GcWordDocument();
// Add a paragraph.
var p = doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add();
// Add content control.
var cc = p.AddContentControl(ContentControlType.RichText).Content;
// Check if a paragraph can be added or not and add a paragraph; otherwise, add a run.
if (cc.CanAdd(typeof(Paragraph))) // Returns false since the content control was created on inline level.
cc.AddParagraph("rich text");
cc.AddRun("rich text");
// Save the document.