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Images are generally used to illustrate important information in your document and highlight points raised in the text. In DsWord, an image or a picture element is represented by the Picture class which allows you to access all the image properties. DsWord allows you to add an image on a word document using Add method of the PictureCollection class that represents a collection of picture elements.

Image in a Word document

Add Image from File

To add an image in a document from file:

  1. Create a byte array from the image using the ReadAllBytes method.

  2. Access the picture collection using Pictures property of the RangeBase class.

  3. Add image to the picture collection using Add method of the PictureCollection class, which accepts image as a byte array. For example, insert an image in the first paragraph.

  4. Set properties of the image. For example, set the height and width of the image using Height.Value and Width.Value properties respectively.

    GcWordDocument doc = new GcWordDocument();
    // Load picture data:
    var picBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine("Resources", "Images", "road.jpg"));
    //Add a paragraph
    var pars = doc.Body.Sections.First.GetRange().Paragraphs;
    pars.Add("A JPEG image:");
    // Add picture, specifying its mime type:
    var pic = pars.First.GetRange().Runs.First.GetRange().Pictures.Add(picBytes, "image/jpeg");
    // Set picture size
    pic.Size.Width.Value = 500;
    pic.Size.Height.Value = 400;
    //Save the document

To add an image in a document with same size as the input image, you can use System.Drawing.Image namespace:

  1. Load an image in a document and add it to the picture collection using Add method of the PictureCollection class.

  2. Verify the size of original and added image by retrieving the value of Height and Width properties.

    using DrawingImage = System.Drawing.Image;
    GcWordDocument doc = new GcWordDocument();
    //Load image file
    var fileName = Path.Combine(@"cat.png");
    using (var image = DrawingImage.FromFile(fileName))
        var pic = doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add("").GetRange().Runs.First.GetRange().Pictures.Add(image);
       //Output: Original Image width is 400 and Added image width is 400
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format(@"Original Image width is {0} and Added image width is {1}", image.Size.Width, pic.Size.Width.Value));
        //Output: Original Image height is 300 and Added height is 300
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format(@"Original Image height is {0} and Added height width is {1}", image.Size.Height, pic.Size.Height.Value));


    The emf, wmf and ico file formats are not supported while adding images using System.Drawing.Image namespace.

    Similarly, you can add an image in a document with same size as the input image using Image class of GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing namespace as shown below:

    using GcImage = GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing.Image;    
    GcWordDocument doc = new GcWordDocument();
    //Load image file
    var fileName = Path.Combine(@"cat.png");
    using (var image = GcImage.FromFile(fileName))
        var pic2 = doc.Body.Paragraphs.Add("").GetRange().Runs.First.GetRange().Pictures.Add(image);
         //Output: Original Image width is 400 and Added image width is 400
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format(@"Original Image width is {0} and Added image width is {1}", image2.Width, pic2.Size.Width.Value));
        //Output: Original Image height is 300 and Added height is 300
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format(@"Original Image height is {0} and Added height width is {1}", image2.Height, pic2.Size.Height.Value));


    The emf and wmf file formats are not supported while adding images using GrapeCity.Documents.Drawing namespace.

Add Image from Stream

To add an image in a document from memory stream:

  1. Access a memory stream loaded with image data.

  2. Convert the memory stream to byte array using the ToArray method.

  3. Add the image to picture collection using Add method of the PictureCollection class, which accepts image as a byte array.

  4. Set some properties of the image. For example, set Height.Value and Width.Value properties.

    //Load image to MemoryStream
    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
    System.Drawing.Image imageIn = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(
                                         "Resources", "Images", "road.jpg"));
    imageIn.Save(ms, imageIn.RawFormat);
    //Convert MemoryStream to byte array
    var picBytes = ms.ToArray();
    //Add a paragraph
    var pars = doc.Body.Sections.First.GetRange().Paragraphs;
    pars.Add("A JPEG image:");
    // Add picture, specifying its mime type:
    var pic = pars.First.GetRange().Runs.First.GetRange().Pictures.Add(picBytes, "image/jpeg");
    // Set picture size
    pic.Size.Width.Value = 500;
    pic.Size.Height.Value = 400;
    //Save the document

Get Image

To get an image:

  1. Access an image from the picture collection using Pictures property of the RangeBase class.

  2. Get the image data using ImageBytes property of the ImageData class.

  3. Add the fetched image from the document to another document using Add method of the PictureCollection class.

    //Extract image from existing document
    Picture oldpic = doc.Body.Paragraphs.First.GetRange().Runs.First.GetRange().Pictures[0];
    byte[] picBytes = oldpic.ImageData.ImageBytes;
    //Add extracted image from old document to new document
    GcWordDocument testDocument = new GcWordDocument();
    var pars = testDocument.Body.Sections.First.GetRange().Paragraphs;
    pars.Add("An old JPEG image:");
    // Add picture, specifying its mime type:
    var pic = pars.First.GetRange().Runs.First.GetRange().Pictures.Add(picBytes, "image/jpeg");
    // Set picture size
    pic.Size.Width.Value = 500;
    pic.Size.Height.Value = 400;
    //Save the document

Edit Image

To edit an image:

  1. Access the image from picture collection using Pictures property of the RangeBase class.

  2. Change the properties of the image. For example, change the rotation properties such as Angle and VerticalFlip properties of the ShapeRotation class.

    //Edit image from existing document
    Picture pic = doc.Body.Paragraphs.First.GetRange().Runs.First.GetRange().Pictures[0];
    //Set the rotation properties
    pic.Rotation.Angle = 45;
    pic.Rotation.VerticalFlip = true;
    //Save the document
    doc.Save("EditIma" +

Delete Image

To delete an image from a document, access the image from the picture collection using Pictures property of the RangeBase class and delete it using the Delete method.


//Delete image from existing document
Picture pic = doc.Body.Paragraphs.First.GetRange().Runs.First.GetRange().Pictures[0];

//Save the document

For more information on how to work with images in a Word document using DsWord, see DsWord sample browser.