The following features have been added with this version of the product.
New classes:
DocumentBase class - Represents the base class for GcWordDocument and GlossaryDocument classes.
GlossaryDocument - Represents a supplementary document storage which stores the definition and content to be carried with the document for future insertion and/or use, but which should not be visible within contents of the main document story.
FormattedMark class - Specifies the set of properties applied to the special content mark
BuildingBlockCollection class - Represents a collection of building blocks.
BuildingBlock class - Represents a building block in a document.
Category class - Specifies the categorization for a building block. This categorization should not imply any behaviors around the building block, and is only used to organize set of building blocks within an application or user interface i.e. to disambiguate between two building blocks with the same entry name.
CustomXmlPart class - Represents a custom XML data storage in the document.
CustomXmlPartCollection class - Represents a collection of CustomXmlPart objects in the document.
LastRenderedPageBreak class - Represents the position delimited the end of a page when this document was last saved by an application which paginates its content.
ContentControl class - Represents an individual content control. Content controls are bound and potentially labelled regions in a document that serve as containers for specific types of content. Individual content controls may contain contents such as dates, lists, or paragraphs of formatted text.
ContentControlCollection class - Represents a collection of ContentControl items.
ControlContent class - Provides access to the content of a ContentControl.
ContentControlEndMark class - Specifies set of properties applied to the mark present to delimit the end of control contents.
CheckBoxSymbol class - Specifies a symbol to be used for a checkbox state.
DropDownItem class - Specifies a single list item within the content control. Each list item should be displayed in the list for the content control (if a user interface is present).
DropDownItemCollection class - Represents a list of DropDownItem objects.
XmlMapping class - Specifies the information to be used to establish a mapping between a content control and an XML node stored within a Custom XML Data part in the document.
New enumerations:
BuildingBlockGallery enum - Specifies a building block gallery.
BuildingBlockType enum - Specifies the type of a building block.
BuildingBlockInsertOptions enum - Specifies how a building block is inserted into a document.
ContentControlType enum - Specifies type of the content control.
ContentControlLevel enum - Specifies layout level of the content control.
ContentControlAppearance enum - Specifies appearance of the content control.
CalendarType enum - Specifies the calendar type.
DateStorageFormat enum - Specifies the date translation to be applied to the date content control.
WebExtensionRelationship enum - Specifies relationship between a content control and an Office Web Extension.
New members:
Cell CellCollection.Insert(string text, InsertLocation location) method - Inserts a Cell into this collection at the specified location.
Row RowCollection.Insert(string[] texts, InsertLocation location) method - Inserts a Row into this collection at the specified location.
BodyType.BuildingBlock property - Represents the body of a building block.
List Settings.AttachedXmlSchemas - Gets the list of custom XML schema whose target namespace is associated with this document when it is loaded, if such a schema is available to the hosting application. Applications can also load and utilize any additional schemas as well as those explicitly mentioned here. These custom XML schemas can then be used to validate the structure of the CustomXmlPart.XmlDocument in the document etc.
ContentControlCollection RangeBase.ContentControls property - Gets the collection of content controls included in this range.
ContentControl Range.ParentContentControl property - Gets the parent content control where the range content is stored.
Added ImageData.ContentType property - Gets the image content type.
Added Marker.StartSection property - Gets the Section which starts in this marker.
Added Marker.EndSection property - Gets the Section which ends in this marker.
Added Paragraph.AddSectionBreak(SectionStart) method - Breaks the parent section right after this paragraph.
Added the GcWordDocument.GlossaryDocument property - Gets the glossary document.
Added the GcWordDocument.CustomXmlParts property - Gets the collection of CustomXmlPart objects.
Improved performance when calculating values of derived properties.
Improved Word to PDF export.
This version of the product has the following change.
Range() and CompareLocationWith(Range range) methods now accept RangeBase class in range argument instead of the Range class.
The following issues have been resolved since the last release.
Fixed the incorrect saving issue of background color shading. Now, MS Word doesn't show the message "not enough memory to update the display" while loading the saved document.
Now, no wrong exception messages are shown when users apply a wrong style type to a content object.
This version of the product has the following breaking changes.
The type of Document property has been changed from GcWordDocument to DocumentBase on the following classes: ContentObject, ContentRange, RangeBase, Style, StyleCollection, ListTemplateCollection.
The ImageData(GcWordDocument document, bool isPictureBullet) constructor has been changed to ImageData(DocumentBase document, bool isPictureBullet). This means that it now accepts DocumentBase class in document argument instead of the GcWordDocument class.
Earlier, theme colors could be modified directly via GcWordDocument.Theme. But now, theme colors cannot be modified directly via GcWordDocument.Theme. Instead, users need to use Settings to modify theme colors now.
The Theme.ColorScheme[ThemeColorId] indexer has been removed. Instead, users can use the new ThemeColor Settings.GetThemeColor(ThemeColorId) method.
The ColorScheme.RemapColor(ThemeColorId, ThemeColorSchemeId) method has been removed. Instead, users can use the new method - Settings.RemapColor(ThemeColorId, ThemeColorSchemeId).
Sections in DsWord OM are not objects but section type breaks (this provides consistency). Now, Section class does not inherit the ContentObject class.
The SectionCollection class is inherited from ContentCollection instead of ContentObjectCollection class.
Removed Section.Guid and Section.ParentContent properties.
Removed SectionCollection.Add(), SectionCollection.Insert() and Section.Split() methods. Instead of these methods, users can use the new Paragraph.AddSectionBreak() method.