DS.Documents.Word.Layout package is discontinued. All functionality of this package moved into DS.Documents.Word package. Existing code will work; the only required change is removing references to DS.Documents.Word.Layout from existing projects.
The 'net461' .NET Framework target is changed to 'net462.'
Added the ability to calculate field values and save the results in the document.
Added GcWordDocument.UpdateFields method: This updates the results of all document fields that support updating.
Added RangeBase.UpdateFields method: This updates the results of all fields that support updating in the range.
Added ComplexField.CanUpdate property: This gets whether the field result can be updated.
Added ComplexField.Update method: This updates the field result.
Added ComplexField.ParentField property: This gets the parent complex field.
Added ComplexField.ChildFields property: This gets the child complex fields.
Added SimpleField.CanUpdate property: This gets whether the field result can be updated.
Added SimpleField.Update method: This updates the field result.
Added SimpleField.ConvertToComplex method: This converts this simple field to a complex field.
Added ContentObject.OwnerSection property: This gets the Section that owns this content object.
Added Section.Index property: This gets the index of this section in the document.
Added WordLayoutSettings.Culture property: This gets or sets the culture used to format calculated fields.
Added Add and Insert method overloads in ComplexFieldCollection and SimpleFieldCollection classes accepting IFieldOptions and field code/result strings.
Added AddComplexField method overloads in SimpleField, BidirectionalOverride, ControlContent, OMath, OMathElement, OMathParagraph, Hyperlink, and Paragraph classes accepting IFieldOptions and field code or result strings.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields namespace.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.StringStyle enum: This specifies string formatting styles.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.ResultFormat enum: This specifies formatting rules for updating the field result.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.IFieldOptions interface: This provides methods for working with field options.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.BaseFieldOptions class: The abstract base class representing field options.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.FieldFormatOptions class: This represents options used to format field results.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.PageFieldOptions class: This represents PAGE field options.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.PageRefFieldOptions class: This represents PAGEREF field options.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.SectionFieldOptions class: This represents SECTION field options.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.SectionPagesFieldOptions class: This represents SECTIONPAGES field options.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.SeqFieldOptions class: This represents SEQ field options.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.TcFieldOptions class: This represents TC field options.
Added GrapeCity.Documents.Word.Fields.TocFieldOptions class: This represents TOC field options.
Fixed incorrect export of page numbers for some documents.
Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException when loading a specific document.