The exception that is thrown when Image cannot be serialized due to absent necessary codec in system.
Represents a collection of alternative style names.
Represents an Alpha bi-level effect.
Alpha (Opacity) values less than the Threshold are changed to 0 (fully transparent), alpha values greater than or equal to the Threshold are changed to 1 (fully opaque).
Represents an alpha ceiling effect.
Alpha (opacity) values greater than 0 (fully transparent) are changed to 1 (fully opaque). In other words, anything partially opaque becomes fully opaque.
Represents an alpha floor effect.
Alpha (opacity) values less than 1 (fully opaque) are changed to 0 (fully transparent). In other words, anything partially transparent becomes fully transparent
Represents an alpha inverse effect.
Alpha (opacity) values are inverted by subtracting from 100% (fully opaque).
Represents an alpha modulate fixed effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are multiplied by a fixed amount.
Represents an alpha modulate complex effect.
Represents an alpha replace effect.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are replaced by a fixed alpha.
Represents a plane in which effects, such as glow and shadow, are applied in relation to the shape they are being applied to.
Represents a bevel on an object face.
Represents a bi-level (black/white) effect.
Input colors whose luminance is less than the specified Threshold value are changed to black.
Input colors whose luminance are greater than or equal the specified value are changed to white.
The alpha effect values are unaffected by this effect.
Override bidirectional behavior of children text.
Represents a collection of BidirectionalOverride objects.
Represents a blur effect that is applied to the entire shape, including its fill. All color channels, including alpha, are affected.
Represents the body of a document or other content containers.
Represents a bookmark range in a body content.
Represents a collection of Bookmark elements.
Represents a bookmark end mark element in a body content.
Represents a bookmark start mark element in a body content.
Represents a border of an object.
Represents a collection of Borders for the four sides of an object.
Represents a break element in a body content.
Represents a building block in a document. A building block is pre-built content, similar to autotext, that may contain text, images, and formatting.
Represents a collection of building blocks.
Represents built-in document properties.
The exception that is thrown when trying to set a property for ListLevel with NumberStyle equals Bullet.
Represents the placement and properties of a camera in a 3D scene.
Represents a canvas shape element in a body content.
Represents a collection of CanvasShape objects.
Specifies the categorization for a building block. This categorization shall not imply any behaviors around the building block, and is only used to organize the set of building blocks within an application or user interface i.e. to disambiguate between two building blocks with the same entry name.
Represents a table cell element in a body content.
Represents the set of borders for the edges of a cell.
Represents a collection of Cell objects.
Represents formatting for a table cell.
Represents a set of table cell paddings.
Specifies a symbol to be used for a checkbox state.
The abstract base class for color implementations.
Represents a color change effect.
Instances of ColorFrom are replaced with instances of ColorTo.
Represents a solid color replacement effect.
All effect colors are changed to a fixed color.
Alpha values are unaffected.
Represents the color scheme of a Microsoft Office theme. The color scheme is responsible for defining a list of twelve colors. The twelve colors consist of six accent colors, two dark colors, two light colors and a color for each of a hyperlink and followed hyperlink.
Represents a colored line.
Represents a comment range in a body content.
Represents a collection of Comment elements.
Represents a comment end mark element in a body content.
Represents an annotation reference mark at the current location in the comment.
An annotation reference mark is an information block that represents the metadata associated with the current comment. The annotation reference mark should typically consist of the initials and a unique integer associated with its position in the document, but can be displayed in any desired format.
Represents a comment content reference mark that links the comment content with the contents of a document story.
Represents a comment start mark element in a body content.
Contains compatibility options.
Represents a complex field element in a body content.
Represents a collection of ComplexField objects.
ComplexField copy-related exception
Represents special formatting applied to specified areas of a table when the selected table is formatted with a specified table style.
Represents a collection of ConditionalStyle objects.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert a child content into a content that cannot have children.
Represents a collection of content items.
An individual content control. Content controls are bounded and potentially labeled regions in a document that serve as containers for specific types of content. Individual content controls may contain contents such as dates, lists, or paragraphs of formatted text.
Represents a collection of ContentControl items.
Specifies the set of properties applied to the mark present to delimit the end of the control contents.
Represents a mark (start or end) for ContentRange objects like bookmarks or comments. Derived classes include CommentStart, CommentEnd, CommentReference, BookmarkStart, BookmarkEnd, FieldChar, EditableRangeStartand EditableRangeEnd.
The exception that is thrown when trying to copy a none-cloneable content.
The exception that is thrown when trying to split a non-splittable content.
Base class representing a content object in a document.
Derived classes include FormattedContentObject, ContentMark, Text, UnknownContent, CommentInfo, SeparatorMark, ContinuationSeparatorMark, Footnote, Endnote, EndnoteReferenceMark, FootnoteReferenceMark, Hyperlink, SimpleField, ControlContent, SectionBreak, ShapeBase, TextFrame, LinkedTextFrame, OMathParagraph, OMath, OMathStruct, OMathElement, OMathMatrixRow.
Represents a collection of ContentObject.
Abstract base class representing content with floating start and end marks. This allows the range to start inside one ContentObject and end in another, which is useful for bookmarks, comments etc.
Derived classes include Section Comment, Bookmark, ComplexField and EditableRange.
Represents a collection of ContentRange elements.
Represents a continuation separator mark within a run.
A continuation separator mark is a horizontal line that spans the width of the main story's text extents. The continuation separator mark is typically used within the context of continuation separator footnotes or endnotes. These footnote and endnote types define the footnote/endnote used to separate the contents of the main document story from continuation of footnotes or endnotes that began on a previous page.
Provides access to the content of a ContentControl.
Copy range of objects into another range.
A collection of custom document properties.
Represents a custom XML data storage in the document.
Represents a collection of CustomXmlPart objects in the document.
Represents a a dash stop primitive.
Dashing schemes are built by specifying an ordered list of dash stop primitive.
A dash stop primitive consists of a dash and a space.
Represents a custom dashing scheme.
It is a list of dash stop items which represent building block atoms upon which the custom dashing scheme is built.
Represents options used in data template processing.
The exception that is thrown if an attempt is made to modify the properties of a default list style.
Implements the default rewriting strategy for handling invalid URIs.
The exception that is thrown if an attempt is made to modify the properties of a default paragraph style.
The exception that is thrown if an attempt is made to modify the properties of a default table style.
The base class for GcWordDocument and GlossaryDocument classes.
Represents a document property.
Base class for the CustomPropertyCollection and BuiltInPropertyCollection
Represents the set of document protection restrictions applied to a document.
Represents a dropped capital letter at the beginning of a paragraph.
Specifies a single list item within the content control. Each list item shall be displayed in the list displayed for the content control (if a user interface is present).
Represents a list of DropDownItem objects.
Represents a duotone effect.
For each pixel, combines Color1 and Color2 through a linear interpolation to determine the new color for that pixel.
Specifies any East Asian typography settings which shall be applied to the contents of a run.
Provides options for East Asian typography.
Represents additional extent to each edge of an object.
Represents the edit protection settings of a document.
Represents a modifiable region of a document, together with a user and/or group that are allowed to modify it if the document protection is on.
Represents a collection of EditableRange elements.
Represent a EditableRange end mark element in a body content.
Represent a EditableRange start mark element in a body content.
Represents an embedded font and its binary data.
Represents a collection of EmbeddedFont objects.
Elements in this collection are indexed by EmbeddedFontType (regular, bold, italic, bold italic).
Represents embedded image data.
Derived classes include ImageData.
Represents an endnote.
Represents a collection of Endnote objects.
Represents the endnote numbering options for a document or section.
Represents an endnote reference mark.
A endnote reference mark is a run of automatically numbered text that follows the numbering format specified via the NumberStyle.
Provides extension methods for GeometryType.
Represents a complex field character at a location in the parent run.
A complex field character is a special character that delimits the start and end of a complex field, or separates its field codes from its current field result.
Represents a field code within a complex field in a document.
Represents a collection of FieldCode objects.
Represents fill formatting for a content object.
Represents a set of three or more fill styles that are used within a theme.
Represents a fill overlay effect. The effect can be used to specify an additional fill for an object and blend the two fills together.
Represents the formatting criteria for a find operation.
Represents options for a find operation.
The exception that is thrown when FindReplace cannot process replace request.
Represents options for a find and replace operation.
Represents the result of a find operation.
Represents font attributes (font name, size, color, and so on) for an object.
Contains font attributes (font name, font size, color, and so on) for an object.
Represents the properties of a font used in a document.
Represents a collection of FontInfo objects.
Represents a font scheme within a theme.
The font scheme consists of a pair of major and minor fonts to use in a document. The major font corresponds well with the heading areas of a document, while the minor font corresponds well with the normal text or paragraph areas.
Specifies code pages and Unicode subranges for which a font provides glyphs.
Represents a footnote positioned at the bottom of the page or beneath text.
Represents a collection of Footnote objects.
Represents the footnote numbering options for a document or section.
Represents a footnote reference mark.
A footnote reference mark is a run of automatically numbered text that follows the numbering format specified via the NumberStyle.
Represents the background fill styles, effect styles, fill styles, and line styles which define the style matrix for a theme.
The style matrix consists of subtle, moderate, and intense fills, lines, and effects.
The background fills are not generally thought of to directly be associated with the matrix, but do play a role in the style of the overall document.
Usually, a given object chooses a single line style, a single fill style, and a single effect style in order to define the overall final look of the object.
Represents a ContentObject that has formatting properties.
Derived classes include Paragraph, Run, Table, Row, Cell, ContentControl.
Specifies the set of properties applied to the the special content mark.
Abstract class that provides base functionality to store and resolve formatting in objects.
Represents a list of FormattingBag items.
Represents a Word document.
Contains one or more sections, content controls, and body representing the content of the document.
Provides extension methods for converting GcWordDocument to other formats.
A supplementary document storage which stores the definition and content for content that shall be carried with the document for future insertion and/or use, but which shall not be visible within the contents of the main document story.
Represents glow effect, in which a color blurred outline is added outside the edges of the object.
Represents a gradient fill.
Represents a gradient stop.
Represents a list of gradient stops.
Represents a grayscale effect.
Converts all effect color values to a shade of gray, corresponding to their luminance.
Effect alpha (opacity) values are unaffected.
Specifies an alias (or editing group) which shall be used to determine if the current user shall be allowed to edit this range of the document. This mechanism simply provides a set of predefined editing groups which can be associated with user accounts by applications in any desired manner.
Represents a group shape element in a body content.
Represents a collection of GroupShape objects.
Represents a single header that shall be associated with a section in the document.
Represents a collection of HeaderFooter objects in a section. Section may contain every type of HeaderFooterType HeaderFooter(
Represents a hue/saturation/luminance effect.
The hue, saturation, and luminance can each be adjusted relative to its current value.
Represents a hyperlink element in a body content.
Represents a collection of Hyperlink objects.
Represents hyperlink properties associated with an action (such as mouse click or hover).
Allows configuring document hyphenation options.
Represents the image data of a picture.
The abstract base class for image effects.
Derived classes include Blur, FillOverlay, AlphaBiLevel, AlphaCeiling, AlphaFloor, AlphaInverse, AlphaModulation, AlphaModulationComplex, AlphaReplace, BiLevel, ColorChange, ColorReplacement, Duotone, Grayscale, HslEffect, Luminance, Tint.
Represents a list of image effects.
The exception that is thrown when trying to modify the document while it is in reading mode.
Represents the set of indentation properties applied to a paragraph.
Represents an ink shape in a body content.
Represents a collection of InkShape objects.
Represents a range of in-line content like runs, drawings, text etc. that can be inside one paragraph. This range does not have relations with other document parts.
Represents an inner shadow effect that can be applied to an object.
The exception that is thrown when conditional block "if...else...endif" in table used incorrectly.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert invalid content control type inside the content control.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert invalid content type inside the content control.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert invalid content type inside the specific level content control.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert invalid content type into the specific parent content inside inside the specific level content control.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert invalid content type into the specific parent content inside the content control.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert more then one characters inside the content control.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert more then one content of the specific type inside the content control.
The exception that is thrown when trying to set properties that the current content control is not supported.
The exception that is thrown when trying to use a fill type that cannot be used in the current context.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert content into an invalid position.
The exception that is thrown when trying to insert a content object into a non-allowed parent content.
The exception that is thrown when trying to get a range from an invalid position.
The exception that is thrown when trying to process template sibling included to block of previous sibling.
The exception that is thrown when trying to split content on an invalid position.
The exception that is thrown when a data template key is malformed.
The exception that is thrown when a data template structure is invalid.
The exception that is thrown when trying to set a property value.
Represents the position delimited the end of a page when this document was last saved by an application which paginates its content.
Represents a light rig associated with an object. The light rig comes into play when there is a 3D bevel applied to an object.
Represents decorations that can be added to the end of a line.
Represents an outline formatting that can be applied to an object.
Represents a base outline formatting that can be applied to an object.
Represents a set of three or more line styles for use within a theme.
Represents settings for line numbering to be displayed before each column of text in the section.
Represents a text frame that participates in a text frame story.
list formatting for a paragraph.
Represents a single list level, either the only level for a bulleted or numbered list or one of the nine levels of an outline numbered list.
Represents a collection of list formatting for each level in a list.
Represents a single list template that includes all formatting that defines a list.
Stores and manages formatting of bulleted and numbered lists used in a document.
Represents a luminance effect.
Brightness linearly shifts all colors closer to white or black.
Contrast scales all colors to be either closer or further apart.
Represents a marker pointing to a position in a document relative to a specific ContentObject.
The marker can point to a position at the start of an object (Start, at the end of an object (see End, or to a position occupied by a whole childless object (Whole.
If the marker belongs to a PersistentRange, it can be used even if its ContentObject has been deleted.
Represents the details of a match.
Used to convert GcWord content to MathML, or append MathML content to GcWord Office Math objects. When converting multiple objects, creating and reusing the same instance of this class improves performance.
The exception that is thrown when content objects cannot be merged one into another.
Specifies how document is printed out.
The exception that is thrown when there is an invalid attempt to set a property on a nested shape.
Exception that is thrown if the current shape's WrapType does not support this property.
Represents an Office Math content object (OMath zone).
Represents an accent Office Math structure, which consists of a base element and a combining diacritical mark.
Represents a bar Office Math structure, which consists of a base element and an overbar or underbar.
Represents a border box Office Math structure, which consists of a border drawn around a base element.
Represents a box Office Math structure, which is used to group components of an equation or other instance of mathematical text.
Represents a collection of OMath objects.
Represents a delimiter Office Math structure, which consists of opening and closing delimiters characters, and one or more elements contained inside with a designated separator character between each element.
Represents an element inside an OMathStruct class instance.
Represents a collection of OMathElement instances.
Represents an equation array Office Math structure, which consists of one or more equations or expressions elements.
Represents Office Math formatting for a run if its IsOMathRun property is set to true.
Represents a fraction Office Math structure, which consists of a numerator element and denominator element separated by a fraction bar.
Represents a function Office Math structure, which consists of a function name element and an argument element acted upon.
Represents a group character Office Math structure, which consists of a character drawn above or below base element.
Represents a lower-limit Office Math structure, which consists of a base element on the baseline and reduced-size limit element immediately below it.
Represents an upper-limit Office Math structure, which consists of a base element on the baseline and reduced-size limit element immediately above it.
Represents a matrix Office Math structure, which consists of one or more elements laid out in one or more rows and one or more columns.
Represents a column in a OMathMatrix structure.
Represents a collection of OMathMatrixColumn instances.
Represents a row in a OMathMatrix structure.
Represents a collection of OMathMatrixRow instances.
Represents an n-ary Office Math structure, which consists of an n-ary operator character, a base element (or operand), and optional upper and lower limit elements.
Specifies the various options of displaying an Office Math zone on the document level.
Represents an Office Math paragraph that contains Office Math zones in Display mode.
Represents a collection of OMathParagraph instances.
Represents a phantom Office Math structure.
This structure has two primary uses: adding the spacing of the phantom base element without displaying that base; and suppressing part of the glyph for spacing considerations.
Represents a pre-sub-superscript Office Math structure, which consists of a base element, a reduced-size script element placed below and to the left, and a reduced-size script element placed above and to the left.
Represents a radical Office Math structure, which consists of a radical character, a base element, and an optional degree element.
The abstract base class representing a math structure in an Office Math zone.
Derived classes include OMathAccent, OMathBar, OMathBorderBox, OMathBox, OMathDelimiter, OMathEquationArray, OMathFraction, OMathFunction, OMathGroupCharacter, OMathLimitLower, OMathLimitUpper, OMathMatrix, OMathNary, OMathPhantom, OMathPreSubSuperscript, OMathRadical, OMathSubscript, OMathSubSuperscript and OMathSuperscript.
Represents a collection of OMathStruct instances.
Represents a sub-superscript Office Math structure which consists of a base element, a reduced-size script element placed below and to the right, and a reduced-size script element placed above and to the right.
Represents a subscript Office Math structure which consists of a base element and a reduced-size script element placed below and to the right.
Represents a superscript Office Math structure which consists of a base element and a reduced-size script element placed above and to the right.
Represents an outer shadow effect that can be applied to an object.
Represents the page borders for all pages in a section.
Represents the settings for a page grid, which enables precise layout of full-width East Asian language characters within a section by specifying the desired number of characters per line and lines per page for all East Asian text content in section.
Represents the page margins for all pages in a section.
Represents page numbering settings for all page numbers that appear in the contents of a section.
Represents a page setup. This object exposes all page setup attributes (page margin, paper size, and so on) as properties.
Represents page size and orientation for all pages in a section.
Represents a printer paper source.
Represents a paragraph element in a body content.
Specifies the borders for a paragraph.
Represents a collection of Paragraph objects.
Contains FindReplace extension methods for RangeBase class.
Represents all formatting for a paragraph.
Specifies the set of properties applied to the glyph used to represent the physical location of the paragraph mark for this paragraph. This paragraph mark, being a physical character in the document, can be formatted, and therefore shall be capable of representing this formatting like any other character in the document.
Represents a unique identifier used to track paragraph editing sessions.
Represents a password used to protect a document.
Represents a repeated pattern used to fill an object.
Represents a contiguous area of content objects in a document. Unlike Range, PersistentRange is kept alive and can be used even if the content used to create this range has been deleted.
Important: to avoid performance degradation, you should dispose PersistentRange when it is no longer needed.
Represents a picture element in a body content.
Represents the appearance and behavior of a specific picture to be used as the numbering symbol within a numbering level definition in a document.
Represents a collection of PictureBullet objects.
Represents a collection of Picture objects.
Represents a point in 3D space.
Represents a value and its unit of measurement that is used to specify the preferred width of a table or a cell.
Represents a preset shadow effect that can be applied to an object.
The exception that is thrown when trying to set null or white spaces value to a property.
Represents a contiguous area of content objects in a document.
See also PersistentRange.
Base class for Range and GrapeCity.Documents.Word.RangeBase.Body that allows manipulating content in a document.
Provides find/replace extension methods for the RangeBase class.
Represent individual EditableRange access holder.
Represents reflection effect that can be applied to an object.
Represents a text range that replaced a search text.
Represents the details about a found text.
Represents a unique identifier used to track editing sessions.
Represents a rotation in 3D space. A rotation is defined through the use of a latitude coordinate, a longitude coordinate, and a revolution about the axis as the latitude and longitude coordinates.
Represents a table row element in a body content.
Represents a collection of Row objects.
Represents formatting for a table row.
Represents a unique identifier used to track table row editing sessions.
Represents a contiguous fragment of a body content with uniform formatting.
Use GetRange() to access the range of objects inside a run.
Represents a collection of Run objects.
Represents a unique identifier used to track run editing sessions.
Provides various options controlling how a document is saved.
Represents a section element in a body content.
Represents a section break in a body content.
Represents a collection of Section objects.
Represents a unique identifier used to track section editing sessions.
Represents a separator mark within the current run.
A separator mark is a horizontal line that spans part of the width text extents. The separator mark is typically used within the context of separator footnotes or endnotes. These footnote and endnote types define the footnote/endnote used to separate the contents of the main document story from the contents of footnotes or endnotes on that page.
Represents options that control protection, view, compatibility and other settings.
Contains shading attributes for an object.
The abstract base class that represents a shadow effect that can be applied to an object.
Represents a shape element in a body content.
Base class for all types of shapes, including Shape and Picture. It also represents currently unsupported shape types such as charts etc.
Derived classes include Shape, Picture, GroupShape, CanvasShape, InkShape.
Represents a collection of Shape objects.
The exception that is thrown when trying to use a fill type that cannot be used in the current context.
Represents a shape effects formatting that can be applied to an object.
Represents a set of three or more shape effects styles for use within a theme.
Represents the height of a shape.
Represents the horizontal position of a floating shape within a document.
Represents the properties used to position a shape in a document.
Represents the rotation properties of a shape.
Represents the size of a shape.
Represents the style information for a shape.
Used to define a shape's appearance in terms of the preset styles defined by the FormatScheme.
The exception that is thrown if a shape cannot be styled.
Represents the vertical position of a floating shape within a document.
Represents the width of a shape.
Represents a simple field element in a body content.
Represents a collection of SimpleField objects.
Represents glow effect. The edges of the shape are blurred, while the fill is not affected.
Represents a solid color formatting.
Specifies the set of indentation properties applied to the current paragraph.
Represents a built-in or user-defined style.
Represents a collection of built-in and user-defined styles in a document.
Represents a reference to a shape effects style in a Effects list.
Represents a reference to a fill style within Fills or BackgroundFills.
Represents a reference to a line style within Lines.
Represents a symbol element in a body content.
Represents an absolute position tab element in a body content.
Represents a single custom tab stop.
Represents a collection of TabStop objects that define custom tabs for a paragraph or a style.
Represents a table element in a body content.
Represents the set of borders for the edges of the table.
Represents a collection of Table objects.
Represents formatting of a table.
Represents base formatting for a table.
Represents the horizontal positioning of a floating table within a document.
Represents information about the current table with regard to floating tables. Floating tables are tables in a document which are not part of the main text flow in the document, and are instead absolutely positioned with a specific size and position relative to non-frame content in the current document.
Represents a style that can be applied to a table.
Represents base properties that can be applied to a table.
Specifies the vertical positioning of a floating table within a document.
Represents a text element in a body content.
A Text belongs to a single Run, which determines its formatting. Derived classes include FieldCode, Break, Symbol, Tab and LastRenderedPageBreak.
Represents a collection of Text objects.
Represents a single text column.
Represents a collection of TextColumn objects that represent all columns of text in a section.
Represents a text effects formatting that can be applied to an object.
Represents the text content of a Shape and associates that textual information, referred to as a text frame story, with a story identifier.
Represents a collection of TextFrame objects.
Represents the format of a text frame.
Holds all formatting options available to a document through a theme and defines the overall look and feel of the document when themed objects are used within the document.
Represents a color in the color scheme of a theme.
Represents a font that is to be used for a specific language or locale.
Represents a set of fonts that are to be used for different languages or locales.
Represents a 3D format effect that can be applied to an object.
Represents a 3D scene effect that can be applied to an object.
Represents the picture tile fill.
Defines a "tile" rectangle within the bounding box.
The picture is encompassed within the tile rectangle, and the tile rectangle is tiled across the bounding box to fill the entire area.
Represents a tint effect.
Shifts effect color values towards/away from hue by a specified amount.
Represents content of a type that is not supported by GcWord. Such objects are handled as black boxes by GcWord, they are preserved in the document, but cannot be modified.
Represents a collection of UnknownContent items.
The exception that is thrown when the method is not supported for the specified object.
Represents an extended color.
Specifies a single user for which this range permission shall be enabled (i.e. a user which shall be able to edit this range when document protection is enabled). This editor can be stored in one of the following forms:
DOMAIN\username - for users whose access shall be authenticated using the current user's domain credentials
user@domain.com - for users whose access shall be authenticated using the user's e-mail address as credentials
user - for users whose access shall be authenticated using the current user's machine credentials
Represents a variable stored as part of a document. Document variables are used to preserve macro settings in between macro sessions.
A collection of Variable objects that represent the variables added to a document or template. Document variables are used to preserve macro settings in between macro sessions.
Represents a vector in 3D space.
Represents the image data of an SVG vector image.
Note that when an SVG image is added to the document, it is automatically rasterized, and the raster copy of the image is saved in an ImageData instance. The VectorGraphicImageData class is used to preserve the original vector image.
Provides various options that control how a document is shown in application.
Styles copier. Implements weak strategy when style will be reused if it has same type/similar name. No equality or parent chain will be checked.
Represents the properties used to show an online video to the user.
Represents the color of a one-color object or the foreground or background color of an object with a gradient or patterned fill. You can set colors to an explicit red-green-blue value by using the RGB property.
Represents the properties for wrapping text around a shape or shape range.
Specifies the information which shall be used to establish a mapping between a content control and an XML node stored within a Custom XML Data part in the document.
Represents a preset for non-fillable shapes (lines, curves etc).
Represents a shape preset that specifies a fill and an outline.
Defines a theme style for non-fillable shapes (lines, curves etc).
Defines a themed style for fillable shapes.
Defines methods to access previous and next items in a collection.
Defines methods to access the first and last items in a collection.
Defines properties and methods for working with inherited and direct formatting.
Represents a malformed URI rewriter.
specifies the vertical alignment of all text on each line displayed within a paragraph.
Specifies the preset bevel type which defines the look of a bevel.
Defines Left-to-right or Right-to-left text visualization mode.
Specifies the black and white mode.
Specifies how to blend the fill with the base effect.
Specifies the types of a body.
Specifies the location that shall be used as the next available line when the Type has a value of TextWrapping. This value only affects the restart location when the current run is being displayed on a line that does not span the full text extents due to the presence of a floating object.
Specifies the type of a break.
The break type determines the next location where text shall be placed after this manual break is applied to the text contents.
Specifies a building block gallery.
Specifies how a building block is inserted into a document.
Specifies the type of a building block. influence the visibility and behavior of the building block.
Defines the types of built-in glow effects.
Specifies predefined list templates available in Microsoft Word.
Defines the types of built-in reflection effects.
Defines the types of built-in shadow effects.
Specifies Microsoft Word buit-in style identifiers.
Specifies the calendar type.
Specifies the preset camera that defines a starting point for common preset rotations in space.
Specifies how a cell in a table is merged with other cells.
Specifies vertical justification of text inside a table cell.
Specifies the separator character that appears between the chapter and page number, if a chapter style has been set for page numbers in a section.
Specifies the compound line type to be used for the underline stroke.
Specifies the appearance of a content control.
Specifies the layout level of the content control.
Specifies the type of content control.
Specifies the specific cryptographic hashing algorithm which shall be used along with the salt property and user-supplied password in order to compute a hash value for comparison.
Defines how the data template engine handles situations when a data field is used as an argument to a function, but the field's type is incompatible with the function's parameter type.
Defines how the data template engine handles data fields that are nulls in expressions.
Defines how the data template engine handles data fields that could not be found in the data source.
Specifies the date translation which shall be applied to the date content control.
Specifies the possible values for the location of a single custom XML element's start and/or end tag relative to the location of an annotation tag in document order.
Used as a value for the Security property. Specifies the security level of a document as a numeric value.
Defines the Word document type.
Specifies the position of a drop cap text.
Specifies the type of protection applied to a document.
The edGrp attribute value of editors specifies that only user(s) who the current application associates with the editors group must be allowed to edit the contents between the start and end markers when document protection is being enforced.
Specifies the type of an embedded font.
Specifies the emphasis mark for a character or designated character string.
Defines the endnote position.
Determines when automatic endnote numbering restarts.
Specifies the type of a complex field character in a document.
Specifies a fill type.
Defines character sets that may be supported by a font.
Specifies the data type of an embedded font.
Specifies the built-in font effects preset.
Specifies the font embedding mode.
Specifies values representing the possible font families.
Specifies information used to decide how to format any characters in the current run for which the font type is otherwise ambiguous.
Specifies the pitch of a font.
Defines the footnote or endnote position.
Determines when automatic footnote numbering restarts.
Defines how formatting (style or direct) is handled when copying objects.
Specifies the geometry type of a shape.
Specifies linear gradient directions.
Specifies circle or rectangle gradient fill directions.
Specifies gradient presets.
Specifies gradient fill types.
Specifies where the gutter appears in the document.
Specifies the type of a header or footer.
Specifies the rule for determining the height of an object.
Specifies a highlighting color which is applied as a background behind the contents.
Specifies the compression state used to store a picture.
This allows an application to specify the amount of compression that has been applied to a picture.
Specifies the image effect type.
Specifies the image fill type.
Determines the position where to insert a new content into a specified content.
Specifies how full-width characters in the current document should be compressed to remove additional whitespace when the contents of this document are displayed, specifically by specifying the set(s) of characters which can be compressed to remove additional whitespace.
Specifies how text is laid out in the layout grid for a section.
Specifies the type of ligatures applied to a font.
Specifies the direction from which the light rig is oriented in relation to the scene.
Specifies the preset type of the light rig which is to be applied to the scene.
Specifies the ending caps that should be used for a line.
Specifies line dash types.
Specifies the length of a line end decoration (e.g., arrowhead) relative to the width of the line itself.
Specifies a decoration that appears at the end of a line.
Specifies the width of a line end decoration (e.g., arrowhead) relative to the width of the line itself.
Specifies the line join types.
Specifies when automatic line numbering restarts.
Specifies line spacing values for a paragraph.
Specifies the line style of a Border.
Specifies alignment for a list number or bullet.
Specifies the character that separates the list label from the text of the paragraph.
Specifies the result of comparing two range locations.
Specifies the type of a Marker.
Specifies the preset material type to give the final look and feel of an object.
Specifies how document is printed out.
Specifies the number form setting for an OpenType font.
Specifies the number spacing setting for an OpenType font.
Specifies the number style for lists, footnotes, endnotes, fields and page numbers.
Specifies how binary operators are treated when they coincide with a line break.
Specifies how the subtraction operator is treated when it coincides with a line break.
Specifies the built-in equations.
Specifies the Office Math element type.
Specifies the type of fraction in the OMathFraction structure.
Specifies the horizontal justification of an OMathMatrixColumn.
Specifies justification of an Office Math paragraph.
Specifies the location of limits in the OMathNary structure.
Specifies the mode to display an Office Math zone.
Specifies the script applied to the characters in an Office Math zone.
Specifies the shape of delimiters in the OMathDelimiter structure.
Specifies the type of spacing between columns and rows in the OMathMatrix structure or items' vertical spacing in the OMathEquationArray structure.
Specifies the Office Math structure type.
Specifies the justification of the OMathEquationArray and OMathMatrix structures.
Specifies the position of the bar or group character in the OMathBar and OMathGroupCharacter structures.
Specifies the outline level of a paragraph in the document.
Specifies which pages the page border is printed on.
Specifies the element from which a page border position is measured.
Specifies page orientation.
Specifies paper size.
Specifies a printer paper tray.
Specifies text alignment in a paragraph.
Specifies the result of a password validation.
Specifies preset pattern fills.
Specifies the alignment to be used for the underline stroke.
Specifies picture shape presets.
Specifies the unit of measurement for the preferred width of a table or cell.
Defines preset shadow types.
Specifies data type of a document property.
Determines the position where to insert a new ContentRange or get a part of the specified range.
Specifies the type of an image color change.
Specifies where to align the first tile with respect to the object.
Specifies the action to take when a match is found.
Specifies how information about fonts is saved in a document.
Specifies the type of break at the beginning of a section.
Specifies the built-in shape effects preset.
Specifies the relative horizontal alignment position of a shape.
Specifies the element relative to which the horizontal position of an object is defined.
Specifies how a shape position is calculated.
Specifies the fill type of a shape preset.
Specifies the relative vertical alignment position of a shape.
Specifies the element relative to which the vertical position of an object is defined.
Specifies the relative width type of a shape.
Specifies the relative height type of a shape.
Specifies the type of a style.
Specifies a style's visiblity in application user interface.
Specifies a list of stylistic sets that modify the display of OpenType fonts.
Specifies the location of a positional tab stop on a line, as well as the alignment that shall be applied to text subsequent to the current positional tab stop.
Specifies the character that shall be used to fill in the space created by a positional tab. This character shall be repeated as required to completely fill the tab spacing generated by the positional tab character.
Specifies the extents that shall be used to calculate the absolute positioning of a positional tab character.
Specifies the alignment type of a tab stop.
Specifies the type of the leader line displayed under the tab character.
Specifies alignment for an inline table.
Specifies the relative horizontal alignment position of the table.
Specifies to what the horizontal position of an object is relative.
Specifies how the table position must be calculated.
Specifies how table style is applied to a table.
Specifies the area of a table to which special style formatting is applied.
Specifies the relative vertical alignment position of the table.
Specifies to what the vertical position of an object is relative.
Temporary public. Should be converted back to internal or reworked. Defines result of expression formtter parsing.
Range template copy mode enum.
Specifies animation effect for text runs.
Specifies the text flow and reading order of the content.
Specifies text orientation.
Specifies the available vertical anchoring types for text.
Specifies the preset text shape geometries that can be used for a text frame.
Specifies the lines in the paragraph that shall allow the text to be tight wrapped to the paragraph (and not the text box) extents when displaying the document.
Specifies shading texture.
Specifies the theme colors for document themes.
Specifies the theme colors for document themes.
Specifies a theme font type that can be referenced as a theme font. This theme font is a reference to one of the predefined theme fonts, located in the document, which allows for font information to be set centrally in the document.
Specifies tile flip modes.
Specifies that the two lines in one text should be enclosed within a pair of brackets when displayed. This enum values determine the bracket style to put around combined text.
Specifies the type of the underline applied to a font.
Specifies the type of vertical alignment to apply.
Specifies the vertical text position.
Possible values for the view mode in application.
Specifies a relationship between a content control and an Office Web Extension.
Defines the Microsoft Word version.
Specifies how text wraps around the sides of a shape.
Specifies the wrap type of a shape.
Possible values for how large or small the document appears on the screen in the application.
Represents a delegate that is called when a malformed URI is about to load.
Represents a delegate that is called when a malformed URI is about to be saved.