Specifies Microsoft Word buit-in style identifiers.
public enum BuiltInStyleId
Public Enum BuiltInStyleId
The names of built-in styles in MS Word are localized for different languages. Using a style identifier, you can find the correct style regardless of the document language.
Name | Description |
BalloonText | Balloon Text style. |
Bibliography | Bibliography style. |
BlockText | Block Text style. |
BodyText | Body Text style. |
BodyText2 | Body Text 2 style. |
BodyText3 | Body Text 3 style. |
BodyTextFirstIndent | Body Text First Indent style. |
BodyTextFirstIndent2 | Body Text First Indent 2 style. |
BodyTextIndent | Body Text Indent style. |
BodyTextIndent2 | Body Text Indent 2 style. |
BodyTextIndent3 | Body Text Indent 3 style. |
BookTitle | Book Title style. |
Caption | Caption style. |
Closing | Closing style. |
ColorfulGrid | Colorful Grid style. |
ColorfulGridAccent1 | Colorful Grid - Accent 1 style. |
ColorfulGridAccent2 | Colorful Grid - Accent 2 style. |
ColorfulGridAccent3 | Colorful Grid - Accent 3 style. |
ColorfulGridAccent4 | Colorful Grid - Accent 4 style. |
ColorfulGridAccent5 | Colorful Grid - Accent 5 style. |
ColorfulGridAccent6 | Colorful Grid - Accent 6 style. |
ColorfulList | Colorful List style. |
ColorfulListAccent1 | Colorful List - Accent 1 style. |
ColorfulListAccent2 | Colorful List - Accent 2 style. |
ColorfulListAccent3 | Colorful List - Accent 3 style. |
ColorfulListAccent4 | Colorful List - Accent 4 style. |
ColorfulListAccent5 | Colorful List - Accent 5 style. |
ColorfulListAccent6 | Colorful List - Accent 6 style. |
ColorfulShading | Colorful Shading style. |
ColorfulShadingAccent1 | Colorful Shading - Accent 1 style. |
ColorfulShadingAccent2 | Colorful Shading - Accent 2 style. |
ColorfulShadingAccent3 | Colorful Shading - Accent 3 style. |
ColorfulShadingAccent4 | Colorful Shading - Accent 4 style. |
ColorfulShadingAccent5 | Colorful Shading - Accent 5 style. |
ColorfulShadingAccent6 | Colorful Shading - Accent 6 style. |
CommentReference | Comment Reference style. |
CommentSubject | Comment Subject style. |
CommentText | Comment Text style. |
DarkList | Dark List style. |
DarkListAccent1 | Dark List - Accent 1 style. |
DarkListAccent2 | Dark List - Accent 2 style. |
DarkListAccent3 | Dark List - Accent 3 style. |
DarkListAccent4 | Dark List - Accent 4 style. |
DarkListAccent5 | Dark List - Accent 5 style. |
DarkListAccent6 | Dark List - Accent 6 style. |
Date | Date style. |
DefaultParagraphFont | Default Paragraph Font style. |
DocumentMap | Document Map style. |
EmailSignature | E-mail Signature style. |
Emphasis | Emphasis style. |
EndnoteReference | Endnote Reference style. |
EndnoteText | Endnote Text style. |
EnvelopeAddress | Envelope Address style. |
EnvelopeReturn | Envelope Return style. |
FollowedHyperlink | FollowedHyperlink style. |
Footer | Footer style. |
FootnoteReference | Footnote Reference style. |
FootnoteText | Footnote Text style. |
GridTable1Light | Grid Table 1 Light style. |
GridTable1LightAccent1 | Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 1 style. |
GridTable1LightAccent2 | Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 2 style. |
GridTable1LightAccent3 | Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 3 style. |
GridTable1LightAccent4 | Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 4 style. |
GridTable1LightAccent5 | Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 5 style. |
GridTable1LightAccent6 | Grid Table 1 Light - Accent 6 style. |
GridTable2 | Grid Table 2 style. |
GridTable2Accent1 | Grid Table 2 - Accent 1 style. |
GridTable2Accent2 | Grid Table 2 - Accent 2 style. |
GridTable2Accent3 | Grid Table 2 - Accent 3 style. |
GridTable2Accent4 | Grid Table 2 - Accent 4 style. |
GridTable2Accent5 | Grid Table 2 - Accent 5 style. |
GridTable2Accent6 | Grid Table 2 - Accent 6 style. |
GridTable3 | Grid Table 3 style. |
GridTable3Accent1 | Grid Table 3 - Accent 1 style. |
GridTable3Accent2 | Grid Table 3 - Accent 2 style. |
GridTable3Accent3 | Grid Table 3 - Accent 3 style. |
GridTable3Accent4 | Grid Table 3 - Accent 4 style. |
GridTable3Accent5 | Grid Table 3 - Accent 5 style. |
GridTable3Accent6 | Grid Table 3 - Accent 6 style. |
GridTable4 | Grid Table 4 style. |
GridTable4Accent1 | Grid Table 4 - Accent 1 style. |
GridTable4Accent2 | Grid Table 4 - Accent 2 style. |
GridTable4Accent3 | Grid Table 4 - Accent 3 style. |
GridTable4Accent4 | Grid Table 4 - Accent 4 style. |
GridTable4Accent5 | Grid Table 4 - Accent 5 style. |
GridTable4Accent6 | Grid Table 4 - Accent 6 style. |
GridTable5Dark | Grid Table 5 Dark style. |
GridTable5DarkAccent1 | Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 1 style. |
GridTable5DarkAccent2 | Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 2 style. |
GridTable5DarkAccent3 | Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 3 style. |
GridTable5DarkAccent4 | Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 4 style. |
GridTable5DarkAccent5 | Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 5 style. |
GridTable5DarkAccent6 | Grid Table 5 Dark - Accent 6 style. |
GridTable6Colorful | Grid Table 6 Colorful style. |
GridTable6ColorfulAccent1 | Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 1 style. |
GridTable6ColorfulAccent2 | Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 2 style. |
GridTable6ColorfulAccent3 | Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 3 style. |
GridTable6ColorfulAccent4 | Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 4 style. |
GridTable6ColorfulAccent5 | Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 5 style. |
GridTable6ColorfulAccent6 | Grid Table 6 Colorful - Accent 6 style. |
GridTable7Colorful | Grid Table 7 Colorful style. |
GridTable7ColorfulAccent1 | Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 1 style. |
GridTable7ColorfulAccent2 | Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 2 style. |
GridTable7ColorfulAccent3 | Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 3 style. |
GridTable7ColorfulAccent4 | Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 4 style. |
GridTable7ColorfulAccent5 | Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 5 style. |
GridTable7ColorfulAccent6 | Grid Table 7 Colorful - Accent 6 style. |
GridTableLight | Grid Table Light style. |
Hashtag | Hashtag style. |
Header | Header style. |
Heading1 | Heading 1 style. |
Heading2 | Heading 2 style. |
Heading3 | Heading 3 style. |
Heading4 | Heading 4 style. |
Heading5 | Heading 5 style. |
Heading6 | Heading 6 style. |
Heading7 | Heading 7 style. |
Heading8 | Heading8 style. |
Heading9 | Heading 9 style. |
HtmlAcronym | HTML Acronym style. |
HtmlAddress | HTML Address style. |
HtmlCite | HTML Cite style. |
HtmlCode | HTML Code style. |
HtmlDefinition | HTML Definition style. |
HtmlKeyboard | HTML Keyboard style. |
HtmlPreformatted | HTML Preformatted style. |
HtmlSample | HTML Sample style. |
HtmlTypewriter | HTML Typewriter style. |
HtmlVariable | HTML Variable style. |
Hyperlink | Hyperlink style. |
Index1 | Index 1 style. |
Index2 | Index 2 style. |
Index3 | Index 3 style. |
Index4 | Index 4 style. |
Index5 | Index 5 style. |
Index6 | Index 6 style/ |
Index7 | Index7 style. |
Index8 | Index 8 style. |
Index9 | Index 9 style. |
IndexHeading | Index Heading style. |
IntenseEmphasis | Intense Emphasis style. |
IntenseQuote | Intense Quote style. |
IntenseReference | Intense Reference style. |
LightGrid | Light Grid style. |
LightGridAccent1 | Light Grid - Accent 1 style. |
LightGridAccent2 | Light Grid - Accent 2 style. |
LightGridAccent3 | Light Grid - Accent 3 style. |
LightGridAccent4 | Light Grid - Accent 4 style. |
LightGridAccent5 | Light Grid - Accent 5 style. |
LightGridAccent6 | Light Grid - Accent 6 style. |
LightList | Light List style. |
LightListAccent1 | Light List - Accent 1 style. |
LightListAccent2 | Light List - Accent 2 style. |
LightListAccent3 | Light List - Accent 3 style. |
LightListAccent4 | Light List - Accent 4 style. |
LightListAccent5 | Light List - Accent 5 style. |
LightListAccent6 | Light List - Accent 6 style. |
LightShading | Light Shading style. |
LightShadingAccent1 | Light Shading - Accent 1 style. |
LightShadingAccent2 | Light Shading - Accent 2 style. |
LightShadingAccent3 | Light Shading - Accent 3 style. |
LightShadingAccent4 | Light Shading - Accent 4 style. |
LightShadingAccent5 | Light Shading - Accent 5 style. |
LightShadingAccent6 | Light Shading - Accent 6 style. |
LineNumber | Line Number style. |
List | List style. |
List2 | List 2 style. |
List3 | List 3 style. |
List4 | List 4 style. |
List5 | List 5 style. |
ListBullet | List Bullet style. |
ListBullet2 | List Bullet 2 style. |
ListBullet3 | List Bullet 3 style. |
ListBullet4 | List Bullet 4 style. |
ListBullet5 | List Bullet 5 style. |
ListContinue | List Continue style. |
ListContinue2 | List Continue 2 style. |
ListContinue3 | List Continue 3 style. |
ListContinue4 | List Continue 4 style. |
ListContinue5 | List Continue 5 style. |
ListNumber | List Number style. |
ListNumber2 | List Number 2 style. |
ListNumber3 | List Number 3 style. |
ListNumber4 | List Number 4 style. |
ListNumber5 | List Number 5 style. |
ListParagraph | List Paragraph style. |
ListTable1Light | List Table 1 Light style. |
ListTable1LightAccent1 | List Table 1 Light - Accent 1 style. |
ListTable1LightAccent2 | List Table 1 Light - Accent 2 style. |
ListTable1LightAccent3 | List Table 1 Light - Accent 3 style. |
ListTable1LightAccent4 | List Table 1 Light - Accent 4 style. |
ListTable1LightAccent5 | List Table 1 Light - Accent 5 style. |
ListTable1LightAccent6 | List Table 1 Light - Accent 6 style. |
ListTable2 | List Table 2 style. |
ListTable2Accent1 | List Table 2 - Accent 1 style. |
ListTable2Accent2 | List Table 2 - Accent 2 style. |
ListTable2Accent3 | List Table 2 - Accent 3 style. |
ListTable2Accent4 | List Table 2 - Accent 4 style. |
ListTable2Accent5 | List Table 2 - Accent 5 style. |
ListTable2Accent6 | List Table 2 - Accent 6 style. |
ListTable3 | List Table 3 style. |
ListTable3Accent1 | List Table 3 - Accent 1 style. |
ListTable3Accent2 | List Table 3 - Accent 2 style. |
ListTable3Accent3 | List Table 3 - Accent 3 style. |
ListTable3Accent4 | List Table 3 - Accent 4 style. |
ListTable3Accent5 | List Table 3 - Accent 5 style. |
ListTable3Accent6 | List Table 3 - Accent 6 style. |
ListTable4 | List Table 4 style. |
ListTable4Accent1 | List Table 4 - Accent 1 style. |
ListTable4Accent2 | List Table 4 - Accent 2 style. |
ListTable4Accent3 | List Table 4 - Accent 3 style. |
ListTable4Accent4 | List Table 4 - Accent 4 style. |
ListTable4Accent5 | List Table 4 - Accent 5 style. |
ListTable4Accent6 | List Table 4 - Accent 6 style. |
ListTable5Dark | List Table 5 Dark style. |
ListTable5DarkAccent1 | List Table 5 Dark - Accent 1 style. |
ListTable5DarkAccent2 | List Table 5 Dark - Accent 2 style. |
ListTable5DarkAccent3 | List Table 5 Dark - Accent 3 style. |
ListTable5DarkAccent4 | List Table 5 Dark - Accent 4 style. |
ListTable5DarkAccent5 | List Table 5 Dark - Accent 5 style. |
ListTable5DarkAccent6 | List Table 5 Dark - Accent 6 style. |
ListTable6Colorful | List Table 6 Colorful style. |
ListTable6ColorfulAccent1 | List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 1 style. |
ListTable6ColorfulAccent2 | List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 2 style. |
ListTable6ColorfulAccent3 | List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 3 style. |
ListTable6ColorfulAccent4 | List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 4 style. |
ListTable6ColorfulAccent5 | List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 5 style. |
ListTable6ColorfulAccent6 | List Table 6 Colorful - Accent 6 style. |
ListTable7Colorful | List Table 7 Colorful style. |
ListTable7ColorfulAccent1 | List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 1 style. |
ListTable7ColorfulAccent2 | List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 2 style. |
ListTable7ColorfulAccent3 | List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 3 style. |
ListTable7ColorfulAccent4 | List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 4 style. |
ListTable7ColorfulAccent5 | List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 5 style. |
ListTable7ColorfulAccent6 | List Table 7 Colorful - Accent 6 style. |
MacroText | Macro Text style. |
MediumGrid1 | Medium Grid 1 style. |
MediumGrid1Accent1 | Medium Grid 1 - Accent 1 style. |
MediumGrid1Accent2 | Medium Grid 1 - Accent 2 style. |
MediumGrid1Accent3 | Medium Grid 1 - Accent 3 style. |
MediumGrid1Accent4 | Medium Grid 1 - Accent 4 style. |
MediumGrid1Accent5 | Medium Grid 1 - Accent 5 style. |
MediumGrid1Accent6 | Medium Grid 1 - Accent 6 style. |
MediumGrid2 | Medium Grid 2 style. |
MediumGrid2Accent1 | Medium Grid 2 - Accent 1 style. |
MediumGrid2Accent2 | Medium Grid 2 - Accent 2 style. |
MediumGrid2Accent3 | Medium Grid 2 - Accent 3 style. |
MediumGrid2Accent4 | Medium Grid 2 - Accent 4 style. |
MediumGrid2Accent5 | Medium Grid 2 - Accent 5 style. |
MediumGrid2Accent6 | Medium Grid 2 - Accent 6 style. |
MediumGrid3 | Medium Grid 3 style. |
MediumGrid3Accent1 | Medium Grid 3 - Accent 1 style. |
MediumGrid3Accent2 | Medium Grid 3 - Accent 2 style. |
MediumGrid3Accent3 | Medium Grid 3 - Accent 3 style. |
MediumGrid3Accent4 | Medium Grid 3 - Accent 4 style. |
MediumGrid3Accent5 | Medium Grid 3 - Accent 5 style. |
MediumGrid3Accent6 | Medium Grid 3 - Accent 6 style. |
MediumList1 | Medium List 1 style. |
MediumList1Accent1 | Medium List 1 - Accent 1 style. |
MediumList1Accent2 | Medium List 1 - Accent 2 style. |
MediumList1Accent3 | Medium List 1 - Accent 3 style. |
MediumList1Accent4 | Medium List 1 - Accent 4 style. |
MediumList1Accent5 | Medium List 1 - Accent 5 style. |
MediumList1Accent6 | Medium List 1 - Accent 6 style. |
MediumList2 | Medium List 2 style. |
MediumList2Accent1 | Medium List 2 - Accent 1 style. |
MediumList2Accent2 | Medium List 2 - Accent 2 style. |
MediumList2Accent3 | Medium List 2 - Accent 3 style. |
MediumList2Accent4 | Medium List 2 - Accent 4 style. |
MediumList2Accent5 | Medium List 2 - Accent 5 style. |
MediumList2Accent6 | Medium List 2 - Accent 6 style. |
MediumShading1 | Medium Shading 1 style. |
MediumShading1Accent1 | Medium Shading 1 - Accent 1 style. |
MediumShading1Accent2 | Medium Shading 1 - Accent 2 style. |
MediumShading1Accent3 | Medium Shading 1 - Accent 3 style. |
MediumShading1Accent4 | Medium Shading 1 - Accent 4 style. |
MediumShading1Accent5 | Medium Shading 1 - Accent 5 style. |
MediumShading1Accent6 | Medium Shading 1 - Accent 6 style. |
MediumShading2 | Medium Shading 2 style. |
MediumShading2Accent1 | Medium Shading 2 - Accent 1 style. |
MediumShading2Accent2 | Medium Shading 2 - Accent 2 style. |
MediumShading2Accent3 | Medium Shading 2 - Accent 3 style. |
MediumShading2Accent4 | Medium Shading 2 - Accent 4 style. |
MediumShading2Accent5 | Medium Shading 2 - Accent 5 style. |
MediumShading2Accent6 | Medium Shading 2 - Accent 6 style. |
Mention | Mention style. |
MessageHeader | Message Header style. |
NoList | No List style. |
NoSpacing | No Spacing style. |
Normal | Normal style. |
NormalIndent | Normal Indent style. |
NormalWeb | Normal (Web) style. |
NoteHeading | Note Heading style. |
OutlineList1 | 1 / a / i style. |
OutlineList2 | 1 / 1.1 / 1.1.1 style. |
OutlineList3 | Article / Section style. |
PageNumber | Page Number style. |
PlaceholderText | Placeholder Text style. |
PlainTable1 | Plain Table 1 style. |
PlainTable2 | Plain Table 2 style. |
PlainTable3 | Plain Table 3 style. |
PlainTable4 | Plain Table 4 style. |
PlainTable5 | Plain Table 5 style. |
PlainText | Plain Text style. |
Quote | Quote style. |
Revision | Revision style. |
Salutation | Salutation style. |
Signature | Signature style. |
SmartHyperlink | Smart Hyperlink style. |
Strong | Strong style. |
Subtitle | Subtitle style. |
SubtleEmphasis | Subtle Emphasis style. |
SubtleReference | Subtle Reference style. |
Table3DEffects1 | Table 3D effects 1 style. |
Table3DEffects2 | Table 3D effects 2 style. |
Table3DEffects3 | Table 3D effects 3 style. |
TableClassic1 | Table Classic 1 style. |
TableClassic2 | Table Classic 2 style. |
TableClassic3 | Table Classic 3 style. |
TableClassic4 | Table Classic 4 style. |
TableColorful1 | Table Colorful 1 style. |
TableColorful2 | Table Colorful 2 style. |
TableColorful3 | Table Colorful 3 style. |
TableColumns1 | Table Columns 1 style. |
TableColumns2 | Table Columns 2 style. |
TableColumns3 | Table Columns 3 style. |
TableColumns4 | Table Columns 4 style. |
TableColumns5 | Table Columns 5 style. |
TableContemporary | Table Contemporary style. |
TableElegant | Table Elegant style. |
TableGrid | Table Grid style. |
TableGrid1 | Table Grid 1 style. |
TableGrid2 | Table Grid 2 style. |
TableGrid3 | Table Grid 3 style. |
TableGrid4 | Table Grid 4 style. |
TableGrid5 | Table Grid 5 style. |
TableGrid6 | Table Grid 6 style. |
TableGrid7 | Table Grid 7 style. |
TableGrid8 | Table Grid 8 style. |
TableList1 | Table List 1 style. |
TableList2 | Table List 2 style. |
TableList3 | Table List 3 style. |
TableList4 | Table List 4 style. |
TableList5 | Table List 5 style. |
TableList6 | Table List 6 style. |
TableList7 | Table List 7 style. |
TableList8 | Table List 8 style. |
TableNormal | Table Normal style. |
TableOfAuthorities | Table of Authorities style. |
TableOfFigures | Table of Figures style. |
TableProfessional | Table Professional style. |
TableSimple1 | Table Simple 1 style. |
TableSimple2 | Table Simple 2 style. |
TableSimple3 | Table Simple 3 style. |
TableSubtle1 | Table Subtle 1 style. |
TableSubtle2 | Table Subtle 2 style. |
TableTheme | Table Theme style. |
TableWeb1 | Table Web 1 style. |
TableWeb2 | Table Web 2 style. |
TableWeb3 | Table Web 3 style. |
Title | Title style. |
ToaHeading | TOA Heading style. |
Toc1 | TOC 1 style. |
Toc2 | TOC 2 style. |
Toc3 | TOC 3 style. |
Toc4 | TOC 4 style. |
Toc5 | TOC 5 style. |
Toc6 | TOC 6 style. |
Toc7 | TOC 7 style. |
Toc8 | TOC 8 style. |
Toc9 | TOC 9 style. |
TocHeading | TOC Heading style. |
UnresolvedMention | Unresolved Mention style. |
User | Custom user style. |
ZBottomOfForm | z-Bottom Of Form style. |
ZTopOfForm | z-Top Of Form style. |