Specifies the built-in equations.
public enum OMathBuiltInEquation
Public Enum OMathBuiltInEquation
Name | Description |
AbsoluteValue | Absolute Value. |
AcceleratedMotion | Accelerated Motion. |
AreaOfCircle | Area of Circle. |
AreaOfTriangle | Area of a Triangle. |
BinomialTheorem | Binomial Theorem. |
CauchyIntegral | Cauchy's Integral. |
CompoundInterest | Compound Interest. |
DeMoivreTheorem | DeMoivre's Theorem. |
DistributiveLaw | Distributive Law. |
DivegrenceTheorem | Divegrence Theorem. |
ExpansionOfSum | Expansion of a Sum. |
FirstLawOfExponents | First Law of Exponents. |
FirstOrderLogic | First Order Logic. |
FirstPropertyOfRadicals | First Property of Radicals. |
FourierSeries | Fourier Series. |
FractionAddition | Fraction Addition. |
FractionExponents | Fraction Exponents. |
FractionMultiplication | Fraction Multiplication. |
GammaFunction | Gamma Function. |
GaussianIntegral | Gaussian Integral. |
LaplacianInCartesianAndSphe | Laplacian in Cartesian and Sphe. |
Limit | Limit. |
ModeLockingIntegral | Mode Locking Integral. |
NegativeExponent | Negative Exponent. |
NewtonLawOfGravitation | Newton's Law of Gravitation. |
NewtonSecondLaw | Newton's Second Law. |
PlasmaDispersion | Plasma Dispersion. |
PolynomialExpansion | Polynomial Expansion. |
PowerOfPower | Power of a Power. |
PowerOfQuotient | Power of a Quotient. |
ProductOfSumAndDifference | Product of a Sum and Difference. |
PythagoreanTheorem | Pythagorean Theorem. |
QuadraticFormula | Quadratic Formula. |
Rotation | Rotation. |
SecondLawOfExponents | Second Law of Exponents. |
StokesTheorem | Stokes Theorem. |
SurfaceAreaOfSphere | Surface Area of a Sphere. |
TaylorExpansion | Taylor Expansion. |
TaylorSeries | Taylor Series. |
Transitivity | Transitivity. |
TrigIdentity1 | Trig Identity 1. |
TrigIdentity2 | Trig Identity 2. |
TrigIdentity3 | Trig Identity 3. |
TrigIdentity4 | Trig Identity 4. |
TripleScalarProduct | Triple Scalar Product. |
VectorRelation | Vector Relation. |
VolumeOfSphere | Volume of a Sphere. |