Represents font attributes (font name, size, color, and so on) for an object.
public class Font : FontBase
Public Class Font
Inherits FontBase
Name | Description |
ContextualAlternates | Gets or sets a value indicating whether contextual alternates are enabled for the font. |
Effects | Gets the text effects formatting properties. |
Fill | Gets the fill formatting properties. |
HighlightColor | Gets or sets the highlight (marker) color. |
Ligatures | Gets or sets ligatures that are two or more glyphs that are represented by what appears to the reader as a single character in order to create more readable or attractive text. |
Line | Gets the outline text effect formatting properties. |
NumberForm | Gets or sets the number form setting for an OpenType font. |
NumberSpacing | Gets or sets the number spacing setting for a font. |
RightToLeft | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the contents shall have right-to-left characteristics. |
StylisticSets | Gets or sets the stylistic set for the specified font. |
Name | Description |
ApplyEffectsPreset(FontEffectsPreset) | Applies a built-in font effects preset. |
ClearFormatting() | Resets to default font formatting. |