Task Elements

A task in the GanttView represents a fraction of the work that needs to be finished in order to complete the project. You can customize each task by modifying the task elements accordingly. Each task in GanttView can include some or all the following elements.

The following topics take you through the task elements and how you can customize them.

Task Mode
Learn how to set scheduling mode for a task in code.
Task Summary
Learn how to create summary tasks in code.
Task Constraints
Learn how to apply constraints in code.
Task Deadline
Learn how to set deadline for a particular task in code.
Task Duration
Learn how to set duration for a particular task in code.
Task Notes
Learn how to create notes for a particular task in code.
Task Predecessor
Learn how to create a predecessor task and setting its dependency on another task in code.
Task Start and Finish Time
Learn how to set start and finish time for a task in code.
Task Percent Complete
Learn how set percent complete for a task in code.
Task Resources
Learn how to create, add and assign resources to a tasks in code.
Learn how to create a milestone tasks in code.
Progress Lines
Learn how to create, customize and progress lines in code.