| Class | Description |
 | AdvancedFilterEditor | Represents the dialog for advanced filter. AdvancedFilterEditor |
 | BarStyle | Specifies style settings for drawing a bar on the Gantt Chart. |
 | BarStyleCollection | Represents a collection of bar styles. |
 | BarStyleOptions | Represents the dialog for bar style. BarStyleOptions |
 | C1GanttView | |
 | CancelTaskEventArgs | Provides data for C1GanttView's BeforeAddTask, BeforeEditTask and AfterEditTask events. |
 | CancelTasksArgs | Provides data for C1GanttView.BeforeMoveTasks, C1GanttView.AfterMoveTasks events. |
 | ConflictResolverOption | Represents the dialog for conflict resolver dialog. ConflictResolverOption |
 | ConstraintTypeEditor | Interaction logic for ConstraintTypeEditor.xaml ConstraintTypeEditor |
 | CreateNewCalendarEditor | Represents the dialog for create new calendar. CreateNewCalendarEditor |
 | DateRangeFilterEditor | Represents the dialog for date range filter. DateRangeFilterEditor |
 | DragNotification | Interaction logic for DragNotification.xaml DragNotification |
 | FieldStyle | Specifies the style settings for the specific field of task on grid view. |
 | FieldStyleCollection | The collection of field styles. |
 | FieldStylesOptions | Represents the dialog for field styles. FieldStylesOptions |
 | FontEditor | Represents the dialog for font editor. FontEditor |
 | GanttViewLocalizeExtension | Represents a System.Windows.Markup.MarkupExtension providing localized strings from .resx resources for the C1GanttView control. |
 | GridColumnsOptions | Represents the dialog for grid columns. GridColumnsOptions |
 | GroupByEditor | Represents the dialog for group by. GroupByEditor |
 | LayoutOptions | Represents the dialog for layout. LayoutOptions |
 | LinkEditor | Represents the dialog for link lines. LinkEditor |
 | ManagerCalendarsEditor | Represents the dialog for manager customer calendars. ManagerCalendarsEditor |
 | MoreFilterEditor | Represents the dialog for more filter. MoreFilterEditor |
 | Options | Provides options for C1GanttView |
 | PaintDayEventArgs | Provides data for C1GanttView.PaintDay event. |
 | PrintManager | Handles printing Gantt reports. |
 | PrintOptions | Represents the dialog for set print report. PrintOptions |
 | PrintPageContent | Page content control used as a content for printing. PrintPageContent |
 | PrintPageTemplate | Template control used as a container for printing. PrintPageTemplate |
 | PrintPreview | Represents the dialog for show print. PrintPreview |
 | ProgressLineOptions | Represents the dialog for set progress line. ProgressLineOptions |
 | ProjectInfoOptions | Represents the dialog for change project infomation. ProjectInfoOptions |
 | ProjectLimitEditor | Interaction logic for ProjectLimitEditor.xaml ProjectLimitEditor |
 | RecurrenceEditor | Represents the dialog for set recurrence. RecurrenceEditor |
 | ReportOptions | Specifies options for GanttView reports. |
 | ResourcesOptions | Represents the dialog for task resources. ResourcesOptions |
 | SortOptions | Represents the dialog for sort. SortOptions |
 | SplitTaskNotification | Initializes a new instance of a split task notification. SplitTaskNotification |
 | TaskInfoOptions | Represents the dialog for set task infomation. TaskInfoOptions |
 | TimescaleOptions | Represents the dialog for set timescale. TimescaleOptions |
 | UsingResourceFilterEditor | Represents the dialog for resource filter. UsingResourceFilterEditor |
 | WorkingTimeEditor | Represents the control for set working times. WorkingTimeEditor |
 | WorkingTimeEditor1 | Interaction logic for WorkingTimeEditor1.xaml WorkingTimeEditor1 |
 | WorkingTimeOptions | Represents the dialog for set working time. WorkingTimeOptions |
 | ZoomOptions | Represents the dialog for zoom. ZoomOptions |