C1.WPF.GanttView Assembly / C1.WPF.GanttView Namespace / FirstMonthOfFY Enumeration

FirstMonthOfFY Enumeration
Specifies the first month of the fiscal year.
Public Enum FirstMonthOfFY 
   Inherits System.Enum
AprilFiscal year starts in April.
AugustFiscal year starts in August.
DecemberFiscal year starts in December.
FebruaryFiscal year starts in February.
JanuaryFiscal year is the same as the calendar year.
JulyFiscal year starts in July.
JuneFiscal year starts in June.
MarchFiscal year starts in March.
MayFiscal year starts in May.
NovemberFiscal year starts in November.
OctoberFiscal year starts in October.
SeptemberFiscal year starts in September.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also