C1.Win.FlexGrid Namespace / RowCol Class / ComboList Property

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ComboList Property (RowCol)
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Gets or sets a list of items to be used by the drop-down editor.
Public Property ComboList As String

The ComboList property specifies the type of editor to be used when editing a cell. You may use a text box, drop-down list, drop-down combo, or an edit button to pop up custom editor forms.

To use the ComboList property, set the AllowEditing property to True, and set the ComboList property to a string that describes the type of editing you want to use for that cell. The options are described below:

1. To edit the cell using a regular text box, set the ComboList property to an empty string ("").

2. To edit the cell using a drop-down list, set the ComboList property to a string containing the available options, separated by pipe characters (for example "option 1| option 2").

3. To edit the cell using a drop-down combo, set the ComboList property to a string containing the available options, separated by pipe characters and starting with a pipe character (for example "|option 1|option 2").

4. To display an edit button, set the ComboList property to a string containing an ellipsis ("..."). Edit buttons look like regular push buttons, aligned to the right of the cell, with an ellipsis as a caption. When the user clicks on the edit button, the grid fires the CellButtonClick event. In this case, the user can't edit the cell contents directly.

5. To display an edit button next to an editable cell, set the ComboList property to a string containing a pipe and an ellipsis ("|..."). In this case, you get a regular edit button but the user can also edit the cell contents directly.

Note that the ComboList property has precedence over the DataMap property. Using both properties on a single row or column is legal, but it effectively disables the DataMap.

See Also