C1.Win.FlexGrid Namespace / PrintGridFlags Enumeration

PrintGridFlags Enumeration
Contains flags that specify printing options to use with the C1FlexGridBase.PrintGrid method.
Public Enum PrintGridFlags 
   Inherits System.Enum
ActualSizePrint the grid in actual (screen size). If the grid is too wide to fit on a page, columns spill onto separate pages. If the grid is too tall to fit on a page, rows spill onto additional pages.
ExtendLastColExtend the last column on each printed page.
FitToPageScale the grid so it will fit on a single page (rows and columns).
FitToPageWidthScale the grid so its width will fit on a single page. If the grid is too tall to fit on a page, rows spill onto additional pages.
ShowHighlightShow highlighted selection while printing.
ShowPageSetupDialogShow a page setup dialog before printing so the user can select paper size, orientation, and margins.
ShowPreviewDialogShow a print preview dialog before printing so the user can inspect the document before printing it.
ShowPrintDialogShow a print setup dialog before printing so the user can select the printer to use.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also