C1.Win.Ribbon.8 Assembly / C1.Win.Ribbon Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.Win.Ribbon Namespace (C1.Win.Ribbon.8)
ClassExposes properties for the C1BackstageView drop-down back button.
ClassRepresents a tab element in a C1.Win.Ribbon.BackstageViewTab.BackstageView component.
ClassThe main button at the top-left corner of the ribbon, which presents a drop-down menu of the full size of the application that contains functionality previously found in the File menu.
ClassThe Ribbon control.
ClassRepresents the Ribbon Form and has been calculated to display the C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar controls. The Ribbon Form allows the Ribbon to display its items in the TitleBar area.
ClassRepresents a Status Bar control to be used with a C1Ribbon control in place of a standard C1StatusBar.
ClassProvides data for the ContextMenuPopup event.
ClassProvides data for the ControlHostFromXmlNode event.
ClassProvides data for the DrawItem event.
ClassProvides data for the ElementToolTipShowing event.
ClassProvides data for Ribbon gallery events.
ClassProvides data for the GroupDeserialized event.
ClassProvides data for the ItemDeserialized event.
ClassProvides data for the MeasureItem event.
ClassExposes properties of the C1Ribbon the more button from simplified view of ribbon.
ClassProvides data for the PrepareDateTimeFormat event.
ClassProvides data for the PrepareNumberFormat event.
ClassRepresents a collection of the RibbonQat menu RibbonButtons.
ClassProvides data for the ItemsChanged event.
ClassThe main button at the top-left corner of the ribbon, which presents a drop-down menu (RibbonApplicationMenu) that contains functionality previously found in the File menu.
ClassToolbar that appears below the Ribbon.
ClassRepresents a button element in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassRepresents a check box element in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassClass that defines named groups of colors.
ClassClass that contains information about the color, its name and description.
ClassRepresents a color picker element in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassRepresents a color palette used to build custom color picker elements.
ClassRepresents a combo box element in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassCustomizable toolbar with frequently used buttons and other elements.
ClassImplements a contextual tab group.
ClassRepresents a control host in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassRepresents a date-picker element in C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar controls.
ClassRibbonDropDownBase is a RibbonItem that can contain other Ribbon items in the drop-down portion. It serves as a base class for RibbonComboBox, RibbonApplicationMenu, RibbonMenu, and RibbonSplitButton.
ClassRepresents a text box element in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassProvides data for C1Ribbon events.
ClassRepresents a font picker element in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassButton that shows a drop-down gallery.
ClassButton element in a drop-down gallery.
ClassRepresents a collection of RibbonGalleryItem objects.
ClassRepresents an item group on a RibbonTab.
ClassRepresents a collection of RibbonGroup objects in a RibbonTab.
ClassServes as a base class for all ribbon components that support icons.
ClassServes as a base class for all Ribbon components such as RibbonButton, RibbonComboBox, and so on.
ClassRepresents a collection of RibbonItem objects.
ClassServes as a base class for RibbonItem collections such as RibbonItemCollection and RibbonGalleryItemCollection
ClassRibbonItemContainer is a RibbonItem that can contain other Ribbon items. It serves as a base class for RibbonToolBar, RibbonToggleGroup, RibbonQat, RibbonConfigToolBar, RibbonTopToolBar, and RibbonBottomToolBar.
ClassLabel in a C1Ribbon or C1StatusBar control.
ClassRepresents an Item in a recently used list.
ClassButton that shows a drop-down menu.
ClassRepresents a numeric box element in C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar controls.
ClassRepresents a Progress Bar item.
ClassRepresents the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassButton that shows a drop-down menu.
ClassRepresents a collection of RibbonItem objects in the QAT.
ClassThis class is for internal use only.
ClassRepresents a radio button element in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassSeparator element between groups of items in groups, toolbars, or drop-down elements.
ClassElement that combines a regular button and a drop-down.
ClassA customizable set of appearance settings.
ClassRepresents a Ribbon tab.
ClassRepresents a collection of RibbonTabs.
ClassRepresents a collection of RibbonContextualTabGroups.
ClassRepresents a text box element in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassRepresents a time-picker element in C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar controls.
ClassButton that works like a check box. When used within a toggle group, acts as a radio button (checking one unchecks all others).
ClassContainer for other RibbonItem elements. Any RibbonToggleButtons contained in this element behave like radio buttons (checking one unchecks all others).
ClassStyled container for other RibbonItem elements.
ClassToolbar beside the window system buttons.
ClassTrackBar element in a C1Ribbon control.
ClassProvides data for the IGalleryItemsPanel.SelectedViewChanged event.
ClassProvides data for the ShouldDrawFont event.
ClassProvides data for the SpinButtonClick event.
ClassRepresents the set of known brushes that can be referenced from style elements.
ClassRepresents the set of known colors that can be referenced from style elements.
ClassRepresents the set of integer constants that can be referenced from style elements.
ClassRepresents the set of boolean constants that can be referenced from style elements.
ClassRepresents the font delta that can be applied to the base font.
ClassRepresents the set of fonts that can be referenced from style elements.
ClassRepresents the set of known glyphs that can be referenced from style elements.
ClassProvides data for the TabDeserialized event.
ClassProvides data for the TabGroupDeserialized event.
ClassProvides data for the ToolTipLinkClicked event.
ClassProvides data for the PopupToolTip event.
ClassExposes properties of the C1Ribbon built-in tooltip.
ClassProvides data for UpdatingItemFont event.
ClassProvides data for UpdatingItemStyle event.
InterfaceTo be supported by the UserControl that contains a C1Ribbon.
InterfaceTo be supported by the UserControl that contains a C1StatusBar.
InterfaceProvides functionality required for a RibbonControlHost that is used in place of the gallery items panel.
EnumerationGets or sets the application menu appearance.
EnumerationSpecifies the layout logic used to display the image.
EnumerationSpecifies the mode for the automatic completion feature used in a RibbonComboBox.
EnumerationEnumerates colors of RibbonContextualTabGroup.
EnumerationAlignment of the drop-down portion of RibbonDropDownBase.
EnumerationIndicates the position of text and image relative to each other for the gallery item.
EnumerationSpecifies a dropdown item size for the RibbonMenu and RibbonSplitButton.
EnumerationIndicates the Office color palette.
EnumerationDescribes the placement of where a tooltip appears on the screen.
EnumerationSpecifies whether the item was added or removed to/from the QAT.
EnumerationDetermines whether the user can edit a value in the text portion of the RibbonComboBox.
EnumerationSelects a standard format pattern for the RibbonDatePicker.
EnumerationEnumerates the types of C1Ribbon events.
EnumerationSelects a standard format pattern for the RibbonNumericBox.
EnumerationEnumerates colors of RibbonTab.
EnumerationSelects a standard format pattern for the RibbonTimePicker.
EnumerationNamed style brushes.
EnumerationNamed style colors.
EnumerationNamed style constants of System.Int32 type.
EnumerationNamed style flags (boolean constants).
EnumerationNamed style fonts.
EnumerationNamed style glyphs.
EnumerationSpecifies a restriction on sizing the item when it appears on a RibbonGroup.
EnumerationIndicates whether the text should appear below the image.
EnumerationOffice 365 theme color.
EnumerationOffice 365 theme lightness.
EnumerationAlignment of the toolbars.
EnumerationSpecifies a background gradient for the tooltips.
EnumerationSpecifies a view mode for the C1Ribbon.
See Also