C1.Win.Ribbon.8 Assembly / C1.Win.Ribbon Namespace / StyleConst Enumeration

StyleConst Enumeration
Named style constants of System.Int32 type.
Public Enum StyleConst 
   Inherits System.Enum
CheckBoxSizeWidth and height of the check box mark area.
ContentAreaCornersThe corners of a tab content area.
ContentAreaHeightHeight of the tab content area.
ContentAreaMarginsLeftRightThe left and right margins of a tab content area.
ContentAreaMarginsTopBottomThe top and bottom margins of a tab content area.
ElementBorderThe border of an element.
ExpandedGalleryHeightHeight of a RibbonGallery when it is expanded in RibbonGroup.
ExpandedGalleryPaddingTop and bottom padding of an expanded RibbonGallery.
ExpandedMediumGalleryHeightHeight of a RibbonGallery when it is expanded in RibbonGroup and hosted in simplified view.
FormButtonHeightWindow buttons height.
FormButtonOffsetYThe offset of windows buttons from the Form top border.
FormButtonWidthWindow buttons width.
FormIconOffsetXX-coordinate of the form icon.
FormIconOffsetYY-coordinate of the form icon.
FormTextOffsetXX-coordinate of the window caption (without C1Ribbon).
FormTextOffsetYY-coordinate of the window caption.
FormTitleHeightWindow title height (with and without C1Ribbon).
GalleryButtonWidthThe width of scrolling and drop-down buttons displayed in expanded RibbonGallery.
GripPanelHeightThe height of the menu resizing gripper area.
GroupButtonBoxSizeWidth and height of the box with group image.
ItemSeparatorWidthThe width of a vertical line displayed as separator between ribbon elements.
LargeElementCornersThe corners of a large element on the Ribbon.
LargeItemHeightThe height of large vertical ribbon buttons and menus (with 32x32 images).
LargeMenuSeparatorLeftPaddingSpacing before the horizontal line displayed as large menu item separator.
MdiChildButtonWidthThe width of buttons on the ConfigToolBar when an MDI child window is maximized.
MdiFormTitleHeightThe height of the maximized MDI window title.
MediumItemHeightThe height of medium vertical ribbon buttons and menus (with 22x22 images).
MenuSeparatorLeftPaddingSpacing before the horizontal line displayed as menu item separator.
MoreMenuItemHeightThe height of buttons and other elements in a more menu.
NoneValue used as default for StyleConst enumeration.
ProgressBarPaddingThe value of horizontal and vertical padding of the bar showing progress.
QatDropDownPaddingThe left-right padding of the QAT drop-down button.
QatIndentThe width of a separator between the QAT and form icon (and the 'Customize QAT' button).
QatItemHeightThe height of items on the Quick Access Toolbar.
RadioMarkSizeWidth and height of the check box mark area.
ScrollBarCornersThe corners of a scroll bar.
ScrollBarMarginsThe margins of a scroll bar.
SimplifiedContentAreaHeightHeight of the simplified tab content area.
SimplifiedEditPaddingPadding of the edit element hosted on the simplified tab.
SizingGripAreaWidthForm resizing grip area width.
SmallElementCornersThe corners of a small element on the Ribbon.
SmallItemHeightThe height of small buttons and other elements in a ribbon group.
StackScrollButtonHeightThe height of a stack scroll button ('hot scrolling' menu area).
StatusBarAreaSeparatorWidthThe width of the area that separates left and right panels on C1StatusBar.
StatusBarHeightThe height of C1StatusBar control.
StatusBarSeparatorHorizontalPaddingLeft and right padding of a RibbonSeparator element on C1StatusBar.
StatusBarSeparatorVerticalPaddingTop and bottom padding of a RibbonSeparator element on C1StatusBar.
StatusBarSeparatorWidthThe width of RibbonSeparator element on C1StatusBar.
TabAreaHeightThe height of a tab header.
TabArrowMarginsThe margins of the right bottom arrow button of the selected tab.
TabGroupBottomPaddingSpacing below the tab group caption (for better alignment).
TabGroupTopLineHeightThe height of colored line at the top of a contextual tab group.
TabLineHeightThe height of bottom line of a 'seleted' tab header.
TabLineHotHeightThe height of bottom line of a 'hot' tab header.
ToolBarChildSpacingThe spacing between elements on toolbar.
TooltipGradientSpecifies a background gradient for tooltips.
TrackBarThumbHeightThe height of the track bar thumb.
TrackBarThumbWidthThe width of the track bar thumb.
TrackBarTickHeightThe height of the tick marks.
TrackBarTickWidthThe width of the tick marks.
WatermarkOpacityThe opacity level (from 0 to 100) used for an image assigned to the WatermarkImage property.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also