FlexChart | ComponentOne
C1.Win.Ribbon.8 Assembly / C1.Win.Ribbon Namespace / ThemeColor Enumeration

In This Topic
    ThemeColor Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Office 365 theme color.
    Public Enum ThemeColor 
       Inherits System.Enum
    public enum ThemeColor : System.Enum 
    AzureSimulates the color theme of MS Outlook 365
    BlueSimulates the color theme of MS Word 365
    GreenSimulates the color theme of MS Excel 365
    OrangeSimulates the color theme of MS PowerPoint 365
    OrchidSimulates the color theme of MS OneNote 365
    RedSimulates the color theme of MS Access 365
    TealSimulates the color theme of MS Publisher 365
    VioletSimulates the color theme of MS InfoPath 365
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also