The following features and enhancements have been incorporated into this version of the product.
Added support to set the default active ribbon tab and get the same tab when the Designer Component is initialized.
Added support to set a default value of a cell when a cell has no data or values in the data source.
Added support to select the date and number ranges using the date time picker dropdown and slider dropdown, respectively.
Added support to use customized themes and font styles over the worksheet to change its appearance.
Users can recalculate formulas automatically or manually using the calculation options.
To recalculate formulas in cells, the existing sheet.recalcAll() method has been deprecated from this release. Instead, spread.calculate() method can now be used.
Implemented a new Formula Editor Panel that makes it easy to create, edit, and understand formulas in a tree-view editor.
Added support to import and export encrypted Excel files using SpreadJS Designer.
Angular 16 is now supported.
Implemented WINDOW functions for data analysis in a TableSheet.
Individual modules are now available on NPM.
Added support to set read-only custom names that cannot be edited or deleted from the Name Manager Dialog in SpreadJS Designer.
Added support for enhanced CSS properties to allow you to adjust the layout of the in-cell formula textbox and popup elements throughout the worksheet.
Added support for alt text for a cell to give better accessibility to the content. Users can set, view, copy, move, and modify the alt text of a cell as per their requirements.
The display of frozen rows and columns is enhanced to have the same behavior as in Excel.
Added support to copy Excel styles and data of cells from Spread to Excel properly.
An evaluation sheet is now available while exporting to Excel with no license or trial license.
The GC prefix used in RegEx functions syntax is changed to SJS.
[BETA release] Added support to create a GanttSheet add-on.
GanttSheet is a fast, data bound DataTable view with Gantt behavior and a spreadsheet user interface.
The following issues have been resolved since the last release:
Resolved the performance issues with large Excel files while scrolling and working with row grouping.
Resolved the issues where the dependents of Spilled Array Formulas are not recalculated based on the action performed.
Resolved the issues where the formula editor gets crashed on using formula equations.
CalcEngine no longer throws any errors on deleting rows after suspending calcService.
Resolved the zooming issues when the worksheet contains frozen rows and columns.
Resolved the issue that causes image loss when resizing multiple images.
Resolved the issue where an alert is shown as the maximum call stack size exceeded when setting a formula to a table cell.
The forecolor of cells is now consistent after exporting to Excel.
The SUMIFS formula generates the same result as Excel.
The dataOrientation method now returns consistent results.
Resolved the inconsistency in charts while using a dataset that contains the Today() formula.
Custom filters now generate the same result as Excel.
The cursor style changes correctly when hovering on hyperlinks.
The pivot table no longer throws an error on exporting from SpreadJS if created from a table with a Boolean value.
The font size of cells is now consistent after exporting to PDF.
Resolved the issue while setting the fill color on a pivot table cell.
Cell values are now calculated correctly when using AsyncFunction.
The setRowVisible method now works correctly when the number of rows is too large.
While deleting a column from a table using Language Package, no exceptions are thrown.
Resolved the inconsistency in the values present in a pivot table when imported.
Resolved the accessibility issue with the narrator not reading the text correctly.
Resolved the display issue where incomplete shapes are shown after pixel scrolling if they are present in the freeze pane.
Separate number formats for value and percentage for data labels.
Resolved the display issue where a row cannot be selected, and the insert row option is disabled on the context menu.
Resolved the context menu display issue on the Toolbar ribbon mode.
The automatic expansion of tables is working properly with the list dropdown.
The Find dialog is displayed correctly.
Resolved the performance issues where the table style is incorrect after deleting a table row.
Resolved issues of showing special characters while importing and exporting.
Resolved issues with applying style to the items of collapsed row/column fields from the SpreadJS designer.
Resolved the inconsistency in the calculation results with Excel.
Resolved the issue where the camera shape position is changed on import.
WEEKDAY function gives the correct result.
Formatting a chart from the side panel works as expected.
Formulas are calculated properly after importing an Excel file.
Resolved the performance issue where the TableSheet operations got slower.
Resolved the issue where the insertion of the copied cell increases the conditional formatting rules.
Updating external references after loading a workbook now works properly.
No exception console message is thrown after exporting to PDF and showing print previews.
Resolved the performance issue where the pivot table operations got slower after applying styles.
Resolved the performance issue where the Excel import got slower for referring to a wrong worksheet name.
Performance has been enhanced loading SJS files, no exception is thrown on saving the file after loading the original file.
Borders are now displayed as expected in the print preview layout.
Resolved the issue where the active cell editor remains empty on typing after opening and closing the filter dialog box.
Resolved the issue where the page header is incorrectly displayed on applying styles.
Resolved the issue where zero cannot be set as the minimum value when using conditional formatting in SpreadJS designer.
Resolved the issue where the template is displayed differently in SpreadJS and Excel.
Resolved the inconsistency in conditional formatting applied to a column.
Resolved the issue of incorrectly displayed filtered items in the column filter.
Resolved the filtering issues of displaying incorrect results in TableSheet.
SUM and AVERAGE functions now generate consistent results in both SpreadJS and Excel.
The search behavior logic is now consistent with Excel.
Resolved the issue where the Filter button is not displayed properly.
Resolved the issue where SpreadJS becomes unresponsive when setting the print area from the ribbon.
Resolved the issue where the toHtml() method returns incorrect <colspan> in table html with hidden merged cells.
The XLookup formula can now be loaded normally.
Resolved the issue where autoMerge method does not work to RichText value when binding dataSource.