The following features have been added with this version of the product.
Widget Features
The bullet, Spread, stacked, vari, box plot, cascade, hbar, and vbar sparklines have been added.
The pareto sparkline has been added.
Custom cultures are now supported.
More formulas have been added.
The formula text box now supports table names and custom names.
TypeScript support is now available.
Touch support has been improved.
JSON Schema support has been added.
Tag support has been added.
Custom formats are now supported.
The wildcard character is now supported in some formula functions.
Binding support has been added for tables.
Sheet Features
The combo box cell has been enhanced.
Cell Features
The showDragFillSmartTag method has been added.
The defaultDragFillType method has been added.
The getDirtyRows method has been added.
The getDirtyCells method has been added.
The hasPendingChanges method has been added.
The clearPendingChanges method has been added.
The getInsertRows method has been added.
The getDeleteRows method has been added.
The scrollbarMaxAlign method has been added.
The scrollbarShowMax method has been added.
The enableFormulaTextbox method has been added.
The refresh method has been added.
The getHost method has been added.
The getAutoFitWidth method has been added.
The getAutoFitHeight method has been added.
New Methods
The following issues have been resolved since the last release.
The duplicate rule now has a faster response. [93053]
Formulas with custom names that contain mutated vowels are now correctly imported. [92964]
The Spread sheet layout is now correct when setting the canUserDragFill option. [92950]
The SpreadJS drop-down list is displayed, when the z-index of the SpreadJS host element is greater than 0. [91837]
The cell vertical alignment now works correctly. [91731]
The FormulaTextBox does not input the formula when the canUserEditFormula method is false. [91663]
SpreadJS works correctly after importing an Excel file which has page break settings. [91178]
The sheetTabDoubleClick event is raised correctly, when the tabEditable method is set to false. [90612]
The behavior is now correct for some locale settings. [90459]
SpreadJS now displays normally on mac retina display (13" and 15"). [90354]
Column headers are now unchanged after copying or pasting the column from one sheet to another. [90085]
The createListValidator method accepts number strings. [89811]
Ctrl+Z works correctly when the sheet is protected. [89157]
The Bold and Italics style in the sample now works correctly in Microsoft IE and Mozilla FireFox. [89057]
Importing to SpreadJS in Microsoft IE8 now works correctly. [86792]
SpreadJS now works with wijgrid in the same angularJS page. [85147]