The following features and enhancements have been incorporated into this version of the product:
SpreadJS now implements form controls.
SpreadJS supports cell decoration setting as a part of styling.
SpreadJS supports shape resizing enhancements.
SpreadJS now supports a new file format to open, save, import and export files.
SpreadJS supports shared formula, so users don't have to add formula for each cell in the column.
SpreadJS now implements hierarchy data in the source data.
SpreadJS now allows users to implement field name mapping using data schema.
SpreadJS now supports shift + mouse resize behavior for shapes in the worksheet.
SpreadJS provide better UX design on Template/Panel UX at Runtime and using the Designer in the TableSheet.
SpreadJS now supports invalid Formula Inputting Behavior and Style like Web Excel and Google Sheet.
SpreadJS Designer now supports hierarchy data.
SpreadJS Designer now supports find and replace feature at selection level in the worksheets.
Added Format Pane icon in the Designer shape ribbon, Picture Format tab and Chart Design tab.
SpreadJS has now enhanced the clipboard events so that the users can get the current state of the clipboard to perform the various functions they need.
SpreadJS has enhanced the EditEnding and EditEnded events, so that the user can know when the value change was committed upon event trigger.
The following issues have been resolved since the last release:
SpreadJS has resolved the screen freeze issue while turning over the column.
SpreadJS has resolved the performance issue where the Excel import got slower than v13.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the table slicer was not imported properly.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the layout of designer component was not correct when referencing the bootstrap.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the CellChanged Event was fired when pasting a range below the table.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the EnableDataValueEditing flag was not working correctly.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the added comments were displayed incorrectly.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where editing the row and column subtotals and grandtotals did not work correctly.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where setting the font style of subtotal rows and columns in PivotTable did not take effect
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where an error occurred after setting rich text In the Google browser of the Mac computer.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where exporting XLSX file from SpreadJS showed a warning message while applying the custom culture.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where Excel file was getting corrupted while export.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where SUM(OFFSET(...)) showed #REF! when importing in SpreadJS.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the table column background issue occurred when resizing a column.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the sum calculation of the status bar was invalid.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where textOrientation could not be cleared.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where sorting the table through the sort dialog did not work.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where an incorrect value was shown in the cell for Custom Format 0.00E+0.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the PDF file could not be exported correctly from SpreadJS.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where setting the cell format to scientific notation with three decimal places in the Designer Component failed.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where there was chart overflow when the frozen row count exceeded the viewport row count.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where dragging the list items in Designer did not change the order of items.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where setting style using PivotTablechanged event did not update the pivot table correctly.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where an incorrect shape name would return undefined, but a blank name would return an empty string.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where an exception was thrown during toJSON.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where combo item style was lost after deleting the value.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the value function was working when the culture had a different decimal separator.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the picture does not display when printing.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the hyperlink was not working when uploading any file.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the CommentRemoving event did not occur on executing "Ctrl + Z".
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the chart was not getting refreshed as values in the range were getting updated.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue while loading the SSJSON file containing AsyncFunction with option doNotRecalculateAfterLoad.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where calcOnDemand caused the pasted formula to be invalid.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where changing the conditional format was invalid.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the grid line was lost when freezing the column.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the Query Function result was not updated on changing the Tablesheet.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where IRibbonPanel had no overflowTitle property.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where a discrepancy occurred with Excel for conditional formatting and "no color" background.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the exported Excel file threw an error.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the loading time of fromJSON exceeded the limit.
SpreadJS has resolved the SJS Function Analysis Error.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the user could not set the missingCaption number in the Designer.
SpreadJS has resolved the browser hang issue when a spreadsheet was loaded.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the UI changed when using the Designer Component with Bootstrap 3.4.1 CSS settings.
[Designer] SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the shape list was incorrectly displayed while adjusting the browser size.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where both valuesAndFormatting and ormulasAndFormatting did not contain the conditional formatting.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the calculation behavior of V15 was different from that of V14.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the hidden row caused frozen layout.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue of Table Formula Calculation with auto-expand table.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the user could not export the PDF file with italic font.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where the pie chart could not switch colors according to the selected series.
SpreadJS has resolved the issue where an incorrect formatter was displayed in the Designer Dropdown when the Currency formatter was selected from the dropdown.