The following features have been added with this version of the product.
The Korean culture option has been added.
Angular 2 is now supported.
Cell Padding and Labels
Tag Setting
Clipboard Options
Range Select
Calendar Sparkline
New features in Spread Designer
The following issues have been resolved since the last release.
Fixed the issue where Table binding looses data when first row item property is missed. [233154]
The register and setShortcutKey definition in d.ts is now corrected. [233432]
The shortcutKey parameter is now optional. [233432]
DataValidator.IgnoreBlank method is now working correctly. [233457]
Multiple selection on ComboBox cell type is now possible. [232970]
Formulas can now be pasted correctly using the clipboardPaste command. [233458]
DataValidation dropdowns now remain visible on exporting Spread to Excel. [233284]
Column style does not lose styling on exporting to Excel format. [232843]
Bold font disappears when saving Spread to Excel using Internet Explorer 11. [233156]
Fixed the issue where Excel row style foreColor affects cell's automatic fore color on importing to Excel. [235294]
Collapsed row range groups can now be imported correctly. [231873]
Export for Excel now supports adding special characters, such as <>, &, . [234797]
Binding date to a cell format is now corrected for Excel export. [224672]
FloatingObject hitTest issue is resolved. [234204]
No extra div element is added on using ExcelIO.Open() method. [234989]
'Cannot read 'type' of undefined error' is now resolved for importing and exporting Excel files. [233227]
Sort order for the Filter Dialog can now be customized. [234919]
ValueChanged event now shows the correct value for oldValue parameter. [235852]
Improved performance on adding multiple groups. [235155]
Fixed the issue where ValidationError is fired twice on clicking outside spreadjs. [233987]
OtlineInfo.state method now works correctly. [233966]
The empty/black border JSON serialize and de-serialize logic is now corrected. [235963]
Excel Export (xlsx) format is now improved for better output. [235887]
SpreadJS Designer 9 and 10 does not lose any formatting or font color on importing Excel. [235418]
Browser crash on importing JSON is now fixed. [237817]
Spans are not lost on copy-pasting cells. [236784]
Export to Excel now does not throw exception when JSON contains custom Formatter object. [236760]
Corrected the navigation when span cell is in last row and last column. [237952]
Span cell drag fill now copies the border. [237654]
Cross-Sheet reference values are now updated. [235773]
New line now works correctly for print header. [236831]
Export delay is now reduced for better performance. [236865]
TypeScript definition v10.1.0 now does not throw a compilation error. [237165]
FloatingObject now resizes correctly on resizing the cell (when the whole FloatingObject is in one cell). [236689]
The clipboard behavior is now as expected when Ctrl+Z is used for ExcelMobileSample. [238554]
The formula can now be displayed correctly using formulaTextBox. [239269]
The PrintInfo firstPageNumber is now correctly diaplayed with Excel. [238055]
No error is generated on opening excel with no json data selected. [237001]
Error on opening an Excel file that uses formulas with named cells and VLOOKUP results is now resolved. [237984]
Sheet reference is now fixed when sheet name starts with a number. [238755]
Format cell can now remove the border in Designer. [239700]
Globalization sample now works correctly. [239588]