In This Topic
In This Topic
New Features and Improvements
- Added Layers panel which lists and enables users to show/hide individual PDF layers (optional content).
- Added ability to edit document without switching to Annotation Editor or Form Editor modes.
- Added support for second horizontal toolbar.
- Added secondary editing toolbars to the main viewer toolbar: "Text tools", "Draw tools", "Attachments and stamps", "Form tools", "Page tools".
- Added API to display a custom second toolbar.
- Added Light and Dark themes.
- Support page content accessibility for tagged PDFs containing logical structure information for screen readers.
- Added ability to show the structure tree of tagged PDFs.
- Added goToPage method: navigate to the page with a specified 0-based index.
- Added option maxCanvasPixels: maximum supported canvas size in pixels, i.e. width * height. Undefined or -1 means no limit.
- Added the ability to use GET method to submit a form.
- Action reset: added support for FieldNames, ExcludeSpecifiedFields and Next properties.
- Added new option fieldsAppearance - specifies how form fields are rendered.
- Added enableXfa option: render XFA (XML Forms Architecture) forms if any; the default is true.
- Added requireTheme option. Use this option to apply a built-in CSS theme, this will inject the theme styles directly into the page head.
- Added onThemeChanged event: raised when the user changes the viewer theme.
- Added onInitialized option: the onInitialized handler will be called immediately after the viewer is instantiated.
Resolved Issues
Breaking Changes
- All public APIs that used page numbers now use zero-based page indices.
- PDF.js library was updated from v2.0.943 to v2.10.377, see [PDF.js Release Notes].
- Method goToPageNumber deprecated, use goToPage method or pageIndex property instead.
- By default, radio buttons and checkboxes now do not use predefined appearances from the PDF.
- Use the fieldsAppearance option to revert to the old behavior:
- [SupportApi client] The ping() method has been deprecated and is no longer used; instead, the serverVersion() method is used.
- Properties SubmitForm/ResetForm renamed to submitForm/resetForm.