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Version 3.1.2

Breaking Changes

  • Version mismatch warning will not be shown anymore if the connected SupporApi has version (was built from sources).

New Features and Improvements

  • Added the new invalidate method to ensure all child elements of the viewer get properly updated for layout.

  • Added the new requiredSupportApiVersion property to get the require version of SupportApi that is compatible with the current version of DsPdfViewer.

  • Added the new gcPdfVersion property, which gets the version of DsPdf library used by the connected SupportApi, if available.

  • [Editor] Added the support to rotate stamp and free text annotations using rotation handles.

  • Added the support for pressing the Shift key and snapping the rotation angle to a multiple of 90 degrees.

  • [XFA forms] Added support for print, submit, reset, JavaScript actions, links.

  • [Editor] Added the support to persist the visibility state of optional content groups (layers) when saving the PDF.

  • [Editor] Added the support to change a widget's content orientation using the orientation property.

  • [Editor] Added the support for Sticky behavior for toolbar buttons.

  • Added the ability to specify button fields render type.

  • Added stickyBehavior setting to toolbarLayout, an array with button keys that will have sticky behavior. Note that only annotation and form editor toolbar buttons can be made sticky.

  • Added the support to programmatically hide the left sidebar.

  • Added the support to programmatically hide or show the toolbar.

  • Added the support for Option hideAnnotationPopups, which hides all annotation popups.

  • Added the support to close the currently loaded document.

  • Added New events: onBeforeAddAnnotation, onAfterAddAnnotation, onBeforeUpdateAnnotation, onAfterUpdateAnnotation,

    onBeforeRemoveAnnotation, onAfterRemoveAnnotation. The events BeforeAddAnnotation, BeforeUpdateAnnotation and BeforeRemoveAnnotation are also cancelable.

  • Added the support to listen to and trigger custom events.

  • Added the support to specify authentication or other HTTP headers in the open() method.

  • Added the support to specify authentication or other HTTP headers in SupportApi requests.

  • [Form Editor] Added "Editable" property to combo boxes.

  • [Form Editor] Added New values to "Tab order" property: "Annotations" and "Widgets".

  • Added support to close the current document.

  • Added support for editable combo boxes.

  • [XFA forms] Added the support to select or copy text content.

  • [Editor] Added support to remember the last-used editor values.

  • Added new settings to the "editorDefaults" option: "rememberLastValues" and "lastValueKeys". If "rememberLastValues" is set to true or undefined, the last used property values will be used as default values for new annotations.

  • [Android] Added support for zooming using pinch gesture.

Bug Fixes

  • [Editor] Fixed the issue where the annotations and fields were added in incorrect orientation when the document was rotated.

  • [Android] Fixed the issue where zooming using pinch did not work.

  • [Collaboration] Fixed the issue where sharing a multi-page PDF was not working correctly. (DOC-4143)

  • [Collaboration] Fixed the issue where The file name was incorrect in the "Manage Access" dialog. (DOC-4144)

  • [JavaScript actions] Fixed the issue where the Viewer properties were undefined in JavaScript actions. (DOC-4154)

  • Fixed the issue where in some cases the visibility state of layers was incorrect after saving a PDF. (DOC-4067)

  • [Editor] Fixed the issue where Arrow keys moved annotations incorrectly when the document was rotated. (DOC-4129)

  • [Editor] Fixed the issue where Stamp annotation disappeared from page after printing the document. (DOC-4127)

  • [Form Editor] Fixed the issue where the Text cursor moves when an annotation was moved using the arrow keys. (DOC-4123]

  • Fixed the issue where in some cases the visibility state of layers was incorrect after loading or saving a PDF. (DOC-4068)

  • Fixed the issue where the renderInteractiveForms was false and checkbox values were not displayed. (DOC-4022)

  • Fixed the issue where the highlight on the search text disappeared when the document was zoomed in or out. (DOC-4028)

  • [Editor] Fixed the issue where the custom image stamps were gone when the viewer was closed and recreated. (DOC-4023)

  • [Editor] Fixed the issue where the text added in the free text annotation editor disappeared on resizing the annotation. (DOC-3988)

  • Fixed the issue where the undo history should be cleared by the close() method. (DOC-3989)

  • Fixed the issue where the incorrect tab cycle was shown for an editable combo box. (DOC-3967)

  • Fixed the issue where the Tab order differs from Adobe Acrobat Reader in some cases. (DOC-3668)

  • [Form Editor] Fixed the issue where the user cannot reset the "Tab order" property to "Not specified". (DOC-3968)

  • [Editor] Fixed the issue where the Backspace key did not work in the free text annotation editor. (DOC-3983)

  • [Editor] Fixed the issue where a new page was inserted and the document was saved, the tab order of following pages was incorrect. (DOC-3985)

  • [iPad] Fixed the issue where the PDF will not render after max zooming when iPad was running in Desktop mode. (DOC-3765)

  • [iOS][Android] Fixed the issue where the main toolbar collapsed when the secondary toolbar was clicked. (DOC-3843)

  • [Editor] Fixed the issue where the Method showSecondToolbar did not activate editor mode correctly. (DOC-3892)

  • [Editor] Fixed the issue where there was incorrect undo/redo behavior when editing ink annotations. (DOC-3924)

  • Fixed the issue where the incorrect zoom controlled behavior. (DOC-3929)