The following features have been added to this version of the product:
Added PDF Organizer button that allows users to rearrange, duplicate or remove pages of a PDF, or merge PDFs.
Added support for PDF's initial view settings (hide toolbars or menus, open with a specific page layout, etc.).
Added ignoreInitialView option that ignores initial view settings specified in PDFs when it is set to true.
Added support for zoom-dependent optional content (layers).
Added the ability to specify a custom progress message during the save action.
Added resolvePageIndex() method that resolves the page index using PDF page references.
Added holdToPan action that temporarily enables the pan tool when you press and hold the spacebar.
The "Layers" and "StructureTree" panels are added to the default sidebar layout, and the "Articles" panel is removed. The default set of sidebar panels is now as follows: "Thumbnails," "Search," "Outline," "Layers," "StructureTree," and "Attachments."
The printable flag is now set to true for all new annotations.
Returning model type for the viewer.viewerPreferences property changed: all property names are now camelCased. New properties are added: openAction, pageMode, and pageLayout.
Reduced the heights of dialogs' title bars.
The way text annotation (sticky note) properties display has been improved.
The hideAnnotationPopups option now allows specifying the types of annotations that won't show popups. Possible values are: ['Text', 'Link', 'Line', 'Square', 'Circle', 'Polygon', 'PolyLine', 'Ink', 'Popup', 'FileAttachment', 'Sound', 'Redact', 'Stamp'] or true or All (true and All have the same behavior).
The save() method now allows specifying a range of pages or ranges of pages to save, changing page order, or duplicating pages.
The saveAsImages() method now allows specifying the zoom factor.
The following issues have been resolved since the last release:
Fixed the issue where, in a PDF with different page sizes, the 'move to next page' option was not working correctly.
Fixed the issue where a locked stamp annotation can still be edited in DsPdfViewer.
Fixed the issue where you could not undo changes if the editor layout was not activated.
Fixed the issue where a popup annotation may move unexpectedly.
Fixed the issue where you could not navigate between pages using page up and page down keys in single page view.
Fixed the issue where the list of layers is not shown correctly in some cases.